
Why do so many people think Barack Obama is a good politician?

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Theres a reason why the media is building him up and trying to convince the public to vote for him. We must realize that the media is not free but in fact is a medium through which the government uses in order to mislead people. Why do you think they never gave Ron Paul a chance, even though he was winning nearly every single political debate on television. Maybe it has to do with the fact that he goes against the "establishment" and its goal of world domination? For me, Barack is just another one of them or else they would use their control over the media to censor him just like they did with Ron Paul.

Also, did you notice how in one debate they asked Kucinich a question about UFO's in order to stump him purposley and descredit him? Would they have done that to one of "their" men such as barack or hillary. Goes to show how corrupt the system is but also how very little democracy we have when we can only choose between two parties that have the same policies with a controlled media




  1. absolutely...totally agree with Monkey!

  2. You obviously have an opinion, so what difference would anything we say make to you? I think nothing.

  3. Ron Paul???  Puhleeze....get over it!!!

  4. Ron Paul was a whack-job Libertarian.

    They are pushed by the flat-tax drug dealer crowd.

    Obama will make a great President after he is elected this fall.

  5. cuz hes black.

    thats why.  d**n affirmative action.

  6. No offence to anybody out there. But you Americans make me chuckle! Look who you've got for a President now!!! ANYBODY has got to be better than him! You're the most powerful nation in the world, (as you keep telling us) and you're leader makes up his own words!

  7. He is very good at fooling people. That is the mark of a good politician. His pandering to different groups is second to none. If BS could fly, Barry would be a jet.

  8. Hillary for president :P

    ( I'm British btw, and in all honestly couldn't care less who wins)

    This is the UK AND IRELAND YAHOO ANSWERS GO TO THE US ONE! That being i'm assuming your American, if not I do apologise.

  9. Obama inexperience will be shown as the campaign progresses. He has shown his lack of knowledge in answering questions without the aid of a teleprompter, and the debates will expose him more. People will be so sick and tired of his change message that McCain will win this outright.

    G. Bush could wipe the floor with this guy in a real debate.

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