
Why do so many people think Marijuana is bad? is it just because its illegal?

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my sister smokes it and a lot. I used to until I almost got busted. the thing is I think most people think its bad just because its against the law in USA. I looked up the research and it seems even less harmful than tobacco or alcohol. only thing I see bad about it is the smoke going in your lungs.

so whats your opinion?

if u think its bad please tell why




  1. It messes with your brain and makes it hard to re... uh...something.

  2. It USED to be legal, did you know that? Just like morphine and heroin were once legal. As time went on, it became apparent to the scientific community that the bad things each does outweighs the good things which people apparently see. Science says it is bad for you. Anecdotes claim it isn't. Until I see equally credible studies backing up that it is GOOD as I see for it being BAD, I'll continue to avoid use and avoid people who DO use. Some of the previously legal drugs are still legal, but now under prescription control. The law has nothing to do with it, or at the least, little to do with it. Taxes have nothing to do with it. After all, it all CAN be taxed and regulated just like alcohol, which IS heavily taxed and regulated. As with alcohol, the government at all levels has a vested interest in making it LEGAL as that way they make lots of money for doing absolutely nothing, JUST like they do with all alcohol sales. No, sorry, saying it can't be taxed is the reason for it being illegal is a complete fallacy, bogus.

    I simply do NOT care what you do to yourself in the privacy of your own home. Your right to do as you please ends when it impacts others. I am not about to have the president stoned on dope with his finger on a button to launch nuclear missiles, nor the bus driver on my local bus route to get to town, nor YOU, if you choose to drive while stoned.

  3. I don't think it's bad. I know it is.

    I've experienced it's effects many times, until I wised up and I said "what the **** am I doing"? I only did it for a 6 month span during my sophomore year.

    I don't know about anyone else, but when I'm under it's influenced, I've felt as more confident in myself, giving me a false sense of security. I also didn't focus as well as I would have if I didn't have it. Someone could be talking to me right in my face and I wouldn't pay them any attention.

    One day, I said "this is wack" and I didn't do it.

    Everything is regulated for a reason. Of course if it was legal, the government would tax the h**l out of it.

    I look at it this way: why do you need something in your body that you never needed in the first place? It's like alcohol or tobacco. You didn't need them as a child, but now that you're a teenager you do? Who cares if it's less harmful? Why do you need it? Does life suck that much?

    My mind feels fine when I'm off of it. I'm glad I got off when I did.

    Besides, as with any addiction, it takes money out of your pocket.  

  4. I smoked cannibis from the age of 14 till now im 17 and I dont think you smoked as much as me. I would be high everyday 24/7

    Ive since quit for 10 months I got c**p memory, anxiety bad temper it feels weird to be in reality again my lungs are fukd i have sleeping problems its coming 3am here and I cant sleep. but I have bipolar also. it is less harmfull on the lungs than tabacoo but on your braIn cannibis is worse. I see lights and other hallucinations and get swells of pain in my head its not worth it as after a while cannibs get addicted to you and you wont be good unless your high. Its bad on your brain trust me I should know. but its not worser than alcohol

  5. I don't think it's bad. I think Ciggaretes should be illegal. Because we have no Scientific proof that Pot will give us cancer! I rather smoke weed than ciggs. It should be legalized! well then we all potheads should move to Amsterdam! and it's natural, has no preservitives. Just because it makes us woozy and stuff it's illegal. Than choclate should be illegal because it's like a drug, made from cocoa which is very addictive plant thing. AHH!! the world today! going crazy. the government sure does not know how to conrtol our states. oh and don't forget the president

    well i think weed is like a medicine. maybe if your in a bad condition, like broke a bone or something. you should take it for a good remedy. well now that's what the native americans did! my friend asks there parents if they can do pot cake. lol and they say yes.! why? because they were hippies. lol

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