
Why do so many people think that profanity is a sign of strength?

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There are times when profanity is acceptable. Your hand gets slammed in a car door, or your computer crashes and you lose all your data.

I'm talking about people who literally every other word, use profanity. It doesn't matter if they are talking about a grocery list, or talking about the weather.

Are they simply unintelligent, or do they actually think that they are being cool and tough when they talk that way?




  1. They think its cool because they can act like the people in movies and just kinda used to it everyday I guess. I remember when I went to this camp and everyone cussed so much that I got used to it to start using it as a regularly basis so much more. It just comes from what you hear. One friend starts it and the other friends get used to it.

  2. I don't think they're unintelligent or trying to be "cool and tough". I think it's just a verbal tic that happens in some groups. As someone before me said, if all your friends swear all the time, you don't get a negative reaction when you swear, and it becomes a part of your everyday speech. It's just another way to add emphasis, albeit one that some people find offensive.

    Now, people who swear AT other people in order to get their way, or do it in formal settings or when they know they will offend someone, that is unintelligent.

  3. I think it depends on the person.  For some people, it's ignorance and having been raised around people who think that curse words are no different from any other word in a given language.

    For some, it's poor anger management and a need to express intense anger using words that are the verbal equivalent of punches.  My husband has that problem.  The first scenario does not apply to him.

  4. They are probably so used to using profanity, they don't know anything else. They are too unintelligent, like you said, to use words that would actually make sense and fit into the conversation they are having.

  5. It's probably the same reason they think wearing their pants below their behinds is cool.

  6. I believe that they think they are tough or popular based on the reaction they get from people. It's the shock value however in many arenas the use of profanity is not that shocking anymore. Rap music for instance. (I hate to use rap and music in the same sentence but had no choice)


      The profanity is repeated so often in rap that I think the people who are fans of it do not even realize they are cursing or saying anything vulgar.


      Of course the more inner-city-thug acting you are the more popular you seem to be with the youth of today. I'm talking about ages 14 to 25. It's the immature Howard Stern minded attitudes. Basically it's a subculture of people who are not mature.

      Cursing has always had the meaning of being rebellious or "cool" but it has taken on a entire new meaning today, unfortunately.

  7. It's teenage lingo. It's not intelligent, but what else is new? Sometimes it's just a form of expression. You should really get used to it.

  8. it's simply unintelligence.   They can't think of anything else to say!  Yes, I think it is so dumb when LITERALLY ever other word is a swear word!  It's just making them look like they were never educated!

  9. When younger people do it, it seems they do it to be cool, but after awhile I begin to think it is a lack of vocabulary.

  10. using profanity repeatedly causes it to lose its meaning when coming out of that person, not only that, the person himself is considered to be a an uneducated, vulgar idiot who is,,

    i'm no saint, but i have really almost never ever resorted to obscene language,

    whenever someone says something that ticks me off, i just dont swear at all, i will call him ten different names, but i never use foul language, its just seems......weak and cheap

  11. People who curse that frequently seem to have the habit because of the people they hang around.  The meaning and violence of the word seems lost to them.

    The language usu changes in those who move on to get 9-5 jobs and have families.

  12. LoL I ask the same question.

  13. its unfair to label them as unintelligent, that is dismissive. perhaps it is a way they are trying to hide their own fear and project an angry, more powerful persona? posturing is common in many walks of life, intelligent or not. its not much different from a hispter wearing a pork pie hat and sipping a latte as they blog in public on their laptop. they both want to be perceived in a certain way. swearing is simply more aggressive.

  14. Reminds me of Superbad.

    That movie kiiiilllllled me. He (Seth) used a cuss word like every other word literally. Even when he was talking about nothing of importance.

    I think it is a sign of unintelligence. It makes them feel tougher, cooler to use profanity.

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