
Why do so many people think that those who show good etiquette are boring and uptight?

by Guest57697  |  earlier

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If you live your life with self-respect and dignity, you are dismissed as being out-of-touch and no fun to be around. On the other hand, if you blurt out whatever you feel like saying, and intentionally hurt and insult others, you are cheered as being hip and wonderful.

Why is that?




  1. because they are uneducated tramps with no dignity and think we are "stuck up" but we're not we just know how to behave and act the right way I mean I'm 15 and I go to school in year 10 and at school I'm known as the "posh one" because I talk formal standard English and I don't swear seriously its so stupid

  2. I think you need to hang around people that share your values!  There are MANY of us out here that are not rude, impulsive or obnoxious - I think it comes with being educated and understanding how a good, strong, caring community works and thrives.

  3. I am opened minded in ways that people refer to as tactless. They want little to do with me. But these same people buckle at the knees, suck up, and do as they are told to fit into certain social groups then they whine to me because in order to maintain their friends they have to think, agree, and believe as they do.

    I treat everyone equally until they give me a reason not to. But I will not bow down to them just to fit in.

    There is a huge difference between good etiquette and no class. Some people with good etiquette have no class whatsoever, just money. And many rich people think they have a lot of class. I know people with no etiquette that have more class than any wealthy uptight family I could ever encounter.

    There are people here in P/S that claim to have good etiquette but if they are easily offended (and most of them are) they go off the deep ending calling each other names and raving like a scared stock broker. They'll even report one another.

  4. The very young are very confused as to lasting values. Hang in there with your self respect and dignity...good manners will prevail. To be appreciated for who you are is a great gift and it will come to you from someone worth knowing...the rest is just dross.

  5. I don't know.  Due to my good etiquette, people have said I'm a really nice person.  Quiet... but nice.

    The only people you are impressing when you insult others is a handful of friends... unless you get lucky and become a classless "famous" comedian like Carlos Mencia or Chris Rock.

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