
Why do so many people use the n word ?

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When my youngest daughter was in high school she ask me why do many blacks call one another that n word. I told my kids growing up I don't like or use that word so there not to use it. So not being black tell me what's the answer more people use that word today more than ever why.




  1. I'm black and I don't even know why.

    I never use that word. It's a main reason why I don't listen to rap music.

    It disgusts me to hear my own people spout that slave word.

  2. Rap music.

  3. well the blacks use it because of their "culture". im not black so i dont really understand either. The whites use it to try to be black we call these people "wiggers". these people usually try to act like their gangster and wear very long black or white shirts up to their knees. they also have a %90 probability of being garbageman when their older

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