
Why do so many people want the Govorment to take care of there every needs?

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It seems like we are moving towards socialism or even Communism. When Obama, Kennedy, Kerry and so many other democrats talk they sound like we are all needy. Let me make changes so we can take care of your health care. Let us make sure you have every thing you need. Give me more then half of the money you make and i will spend it for you. Leave me ALONE. Let me live the way the founding fathers meant me to live. Let me dream. LET ME BE FREE to decide what i want.




  1. Donate $20 to Bob Barr! (libertarian candidate)

    He needs your support. If we can take Barr from 6% nationally to 15%, that would send a huge message to McBama. It would also let Barr get into the debates!!!!!!!

  2. Governments are meant to take care of you. What's wrong with a bit of socialism here and there? There is absolutely nothing wrong with socialism and I think America has a lot to learn from other countries.

  3. And let me guess you don't care about McSame's corporate welfare and corporate bailouts, do you?  Privatize the profits, socialize the losses.  Steal from the poor to give to the rich.  Look at the republican tax codes?  All the burden on the working-middle class, major tax breaks to the top .1%.

    This may be news to you, but a strong middle class is what made America what it is today -- it's what makes democracy strong.  Take that away and what do you have?  Another dictatorship with vast disparities in wealth and that is EXACTLY what has happened in the past 8years and will continue under McCain.

    But don't take my word for it, open up an economics book and when you're done with a little studying go look at how the party votes.  Republicans consistently vote to help the rich and penalize the poor.

  4. Do you have health care? I'll bet you do. Try living on minimum wage and not having health care because you can't afford it. Try this for 1 year and get back to me.

  5. Let's see - 8 years ago I could afford gas, groceries, new clothes, entertainment, and pretty much whatever I wanted. Now I can't afford anything beyond necessities. What's the difference between then and now? Then we had a smart man in the White House who didn't wage war on everyone he could think of. We had an economist who gave us a surplus rather than billions in deficit. Go ahead and be free to decide, just like you ask. Nobody is forcing anything on you but w.

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