
Why do so many people want to breed their hamster, gerbil etc?

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Is anyone else concerned by this? Sometimes it seems the people who want to breed don't even know how to properly look after the pet they have without breeding more! If you want to breed your pet can you tell me why because I don't understand




  1. People breed to make money, they might be able to make a few quid per hamster at a pet shop. That is the only reason i know why people would want to, greed. Breeding should be left to professionals, not people out to make a quick buck. Its just as bad as puppy mills. My local pet shop stopped selling female hamsters and gerbils after people were coming in after having bred there hamsters but couldn't house the babies. It should be like that in every pet shop.

  2. I agree with you.

    Most people either breed for money, or to experience watching lives being born and growing up., or having more hamsters for free!

    Breeding should only be done by the professional breeders who actually know what they are doing.

    Most people (pet owners) don't know what they are doing...they simply let a male and female go with the nature's course without thinking about what kind of procreation will happen.

    Some people even breed carelessly..some don't even know they have bred their hamsters until the pups emerge.

    Breeding happens a lot in pet stores.

    However, I have bred hamsters, and I knew what I was doing.

    I bred my hamsters to get more of these little critters, and also because some of my friends wanted hamsters.

    I have bred my hamsters the way I should have.

    But I don't plan on breeding anymore hamsters now.


    Have a Good Day!


    .•*´`*♥Shining ★ Star♥*´`*•.  

  3. i do breed       i breed dwarf hamsters theres nothing rong with it i agree with wt ur sayin not many people know wt there doni but ive been studting before i got them so i no wt to do and if there soming i dont know i look it up on the internet or ask the question on here

  4. Because people want to experience the "miracle of life," they want more free hamsters, or they want to sell them. I think it's stupid, when there are so many of those little critters in shelters and rescues already.

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