I see it over and over and over again. Questions asking "Help, How do I get out of jury duty?" Why would people not want to do jury duty. It would be a great honor to be a part of upholding the checks and balanes set in place to curb tyranny. Many people don't realize that jury duty is the best way for citizens to overturn bad law. Legislators make bad law all the time. Police enforce bad law and judges find people guilty on bad law. With Jury Nullification, people have the right to not only judge the facts of the case but to also judge the law and how it's applied. That is one of the few ways to overthrow tyrannical government from creating opressing laws. A judge may only tell you generally, that you can only judge the facts of the case, but in reality, you can judge the law and if you think the law is bad law, cast your vote of not guilty. Remember, you as a citizen should do everything you can to uphold the United States Constitution. That is the supreme law of the land, not the laws legislators make that contradict the constitution.