
Why do so many people want to leave Brazil, It is so beautiful there, is the country run by idiots?

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Why do so many people want to leave Brazil, It is so beautiful there, is the country run by idiots?




  1. People always emmigrate looking for better opportunities and better salaries. People from the most developed countries emmigrate too, as they go to other countries to work. Brazil is not run by idiots, presidents from most countries s***w up and the ones we have now in most countries are not qualified enough. Have you been to Brazil? The amazing thing is that in spite of poverty, people enjoy their lives in Brazil and are very positive about life.

  2. The political system in Brasil, as mentioned from my tour guide, is rather corrupt.  It's one of the last of the big countries in south America that is still fairly conservative politically, but things are moving into a more liberal direction and within another term or so, should be better.  The problem is that it's a very large country, with a very small, and stagnant economy, overall. With a high percentage of working poor, and the truly destitute.  And most of the politians get re-elected because their constituants are too poor to be able to afford the news magazines that would tell them of how their representative is behaving.

  3. Yes, it is run by an idiot. I am Brazilian and I don´t want to leave my country. My godfather is a dentist that leaves at Passadena and left São Paulo because his clinic was assaulted. Today he has American citizenship.

    But a great number of people leaves because they are unemployed or receive low wages. No one leaves because our president is an idiot.

  4. Brazil is a beautiful country, but there are a lot of problems.   Unemployment is very high and even those who are lucky enough to have jobs rarely earn a living wage.  The government is corrupt on all levels.  Crime and drugs are a huge problem.  People want to leave to improve their lives.

  5. Unemployment!!!

  6. Not so many people want to leave Brazil, why do you think so? The emmigration rate of Brazil is relativily small compared to other developing countries. Anyway, yes, many Brazilians emmigrate. The reason is the same of why 90% of the emmigrant in all the world emmigrate:



  7. I'm brazillian and immigrated to CANADA 7 years ago ... there is too many problens in BRazil that you only realize once you live there ...

    economy is horrible ... it is hard to find a job specially if you are just coming out of university ...

  8. Mostly jobs, the people who have money are not going to part with it, be it paying higher salaries or taxes.  Since they control the country they have no incentive to try to make life better for all.  The people in power are only concerned with maintaining that power and hording more money.  Salaries in the US are higher for everything compared to Brazil.  There are many people who seem to be quite content in Brazil, but also people are always trying to improve.  For many that means Immigration.  Racism is also another problem for people of color in Brazil, often quite subtle.

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