
Why do so many people(on yahoo answers) hate christians and christianity so much? ?

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like, if they diss christians it is fine, but if I say anything abotu atheists or scientists or evolutionists I get killed at.

its like if a white guy calls a black guy a N***er, why is it racist, but if a black guy calls a white guy a Cracker, it isnt racist and dosnt even get blocked out?




  1. You just have to put up with it. I am tolerant of religion up until the point when people start dying, and then I draw the line.

    Well that line has long since past, we need to put an end to this **** NOW.

  2. I guess I haven't really been on the religion section of answers but I do know that people dislike christians. Now I am not referring to everybody, just a certain few. I think that some think that we are all bible worshipers and that is why. I am a catholic, and I definitely don't worship the bible. Heck I don't even really read the bible. Does anyone remember the bible worshiper from Wife Swap? Here it is if you don't know what I am talking about:

    It is people like her who give christians a bad name.

  3. Well, to start, the internet is anonymous.  If somebody hates somebody else, they don't have any repercussions to being as loud and obnoxious as possible to vent their hatred.  

    As for "cracker", where I come from, if somebody used that word, it would probably be used by a couple of friends because joking around, but if it wasn't, it probably would be considered racist.  

    In the end, though, either word can be used hatefully.  And being hateful and mean is just not ok.  But it's all in the eye of the beholder.  If a white person isn't as offended by cracker as a black person is by ******, then cracker just doesn't carry the same weight.  

    But none of that matters because if it offends you, you should stand up for yourself and ask your friends not to use it.  If they are respectful people, they will have empathy.  If they don't have empathy, it doesn't matter anyway.  Their heart can be filled with hate and they're just following some rules so they don't have social discomfort.  

    I'm Christian and liberal.  

    Just so that you folks know, that isn't contradictory at all.

  4. "diss" are we in the 80's?

    I don't think that the whole Christian thing relates at all to calling someone names...

    "I like your Christ, but I do not like your Christians, they are so unlike your Christ." - Gandhi

  5. Your first question's just hopeless.

    As to your second: that was used to demean people throughout slavery in the US, and was still used after emancipation to remind black people they still could lose their land, property, and lives in lynchings at just about any time the white people who used the word chose. It was a way of dehumanizing them, was used that way through the 50s and 60s, and has powerful baggage. Using it is basically trying to tell a black person they will never be equal.  

    It is not the same as "cracker." There is no equivalent word used on white people, because we were never thought of as less than human and there was never a word to describe us that way.

  6. What do you mean, "why do so many people...hate christians [sic] and christianity [sic] so much?"

    People debate politics, current events, ethics, and so on, and the arguments often get heated.  No one takes it personally.  People criticize each other's decisions and ideas all the time.  Again, it's not personal.  Why on earth should Christianity be exempt from this exchange? Anything that has such a disproportionate influence on our policies and education system warrants criticism.

    EDIT for Revolutionary: Wrong, sir.  Louis XIV, a staunch Catholic, revoked the Edict of Nantes, which promised religious tolerance for the Huguenots. I'm sure if I took the time to look, I might find more examples.

    Oh, here's another example: the Puritan governors in colonial America.  Church attendance was mandatory, and it is a safe bet that other religions were forbidden.

  7. haha... LOL to christinanity... We can't ignore that Christiany has some good effects in Humankind but its tale about reality? I really doubt! A great doubt


    Ignore the Cristian God... WHo is your true God? Do you think God really exist?

  8. 1.  i dunno.  stupid, i guess.  they just get on the internet and so they don't care about what they say

    2.  white people deserve it (JK JK JK).  I dunno.  the N word has lots of history behind it.  and plus, cracker is also a food.

  9. I don't hate...I just choose not to associate with that group.

    I also choose to freely express my opinions, many of which do not coincide with the beliefs of many Christians. If this is offensive and deigned hate, then it is no concern of mine.  

  10. Perception is not reality. You see through the filter of your own viewpoint, religious beliefs, racial identity. I haven't seen racial slurs used here, but I may have just been on the wrong pages. But Christians on here slander and attack atheists all the time without getting deleted. I personally tend to attack religous beliefs a lot, and I sem to get one violation notice and deletion for every "Best Answer." Lately it's like some report monkey is tracking my posts and whining about everything. I'm even getting deleted for "not a question or an answer."  What in the world is up with that except the hall monitor just wants to s***w with you because they can?

  11. Racism is a two-way street, and hate-of-a-religion is the same way.

  12. Just because atheists know everything there is to know about anything and everything ever doesn't mean we don't have feelings, you know!

    I'm Atheist!

  13. People on Answers are just a cross section of the American populace, sad to say.  People are scared and ignorant of Christ (His name is Jesus), and they're therefore scared of what He says.  You can call it hate because it's too scarey for them to admit that they're scared.

    About the racism thing . . . well, it's just ignorance, and it goes any whichway you can imagine.  God, as in Jesus our Christ, Bless  you.

  14. Don't know. For the last 500 years, whenever a Christian was in control of the government, they said that everyone had freedom of religion. Now, Christians can't even get a word in edgewise. One would think that the secularists would be be thankful, but they aren't. Go figure.  

  15. Everyone gets picked on around here.  Might as well just get used to it.  

    Generally speaking, atheists and other such people are very good at protecting themselves in verbal battle.  That's why people who say false things about them tend to find themselves in front of a metaphorical firing squad.  

  16. i know what u mean, people have no respect what so ever towards another human, i mean they should forget about what religon you are and race and what not, and just look at u as another human being....

  17. Seriously now, you didn't think this was going to be any more sensible than the rest of the looney world that surrounds us did you?

    Welcome to the zoo. Don't feed the animals or they will sue you and then eat you.

  18. some zealous Christians are known for prostelitizing.  I think this is a turn off for alot of folks, esp those in the demographic that uses yahoo.

    as far as racial epithets, many against African Americans and black people are steeped in hundreds of years of hate, racism and abuse.  that's why its not OK for people outside of a particular ethnic / racial group to use them.

    European descendants (generally speaking) have been the upper socio-economic class since the foundation of the US.  Sure, there are various classes in terms of economics and social strata, but none of them carry the history or abuse comparatively that is present in the mind of our nation that would really warrant having a word like "cracker" seen as hate language or taboo.

    just the way it is

  19. Why are you comparing Christianity with Racism? Many self proclaimed Christians are racist and don't even realize it. And maybe it gets blocked because n***er is a term that Slave owners used to dog their black slaves. It is never seen as a good thing and I hate it when black people call each other that cause that means to me they have no respect for their race (my race). And many self proclaimed Christians will hate on other people just because they don't believe. I think as Christians we need to show them love and give examples of who we are representing.  

  20. Some people  feel very strongly about their beleifs it is important to treat everyone in a polite way.PLEASE dont use th N word its terible.I dont ever say it and im white. Some people are just raised that way try to correct them though.

  21. try being a jew or a mormon!

    the scriptures say that the enemies of God ATTACK all the people who have a testimony of jesus.

    even as a born again christian the world hates a witness

    but try being a mormon and the world hates you and on top of that christians will hate you too. but get a little exaltation from Jesus and SATAN and devil worshippers will STALK you (me) like prey.

    it only gets worse  the closer a person gets to Jesus.  

  22. Exactly.

    (But Truthfuly, the example... I would say the "N" word is a TERRIBLE word. Cracker... is.. just a white, delicious food item.) Really.

    Atheists are always going to be that way!

  23. Christians do just as much picking as everyone else around here. They spread as much hate as they receive. The hateful insults come from all sides of the board and are aimed at everyone equally. Might as well just get used to it. Hatred is a regular thing in R&S. If you don't want to deal with it, there are plenty of other sections of Y!A to choose from. Pick your favorite and stay there.

  24. Because you guys had your way for the past two thousand years. You (meaning Christianity AS A WHOLE) has crushed anyone who said "nay" to anything you (as Christianity AS A WHOLE) said. So since you are no longer the only people who can talk due to the 1st amendment, we (meaning EVERYONE ELSE) can say whatever we want about you (meaning Christianity AS A WHOLE.) So I'm sorry that we're finally able to say something due to our Freedom of Speech. You can do the same too you know, it's just that now we can fire back. If you can't sweat the bullets don't join the military.

  25. im not usre its not right and follow god! its jsut the way  some things are and you ave to stand up for yourslef.

    help me with mine thankss;...

  26. Same reason why there is racism and discrimination. People have the tend that they are always right and get mad when someone goes against them. Which is not good by the way. Part of the reason why we live in a cruel sinful world.

  27. because for once christians are the minority in a situation, and a lot of christians can be very intolerant towards everyone elses beliefs

  28. Mat 10:22 And everyone will hate you because of your allegiance to me. But those who endure to the end will be saved.  

    Jhn 15:21 The people of the world will hate you because you belong to me, for they don't know God who sent me.  

    Mar 13:13 And everyone will hate you because of your allegiance to me. But those who endure to the end will be saved.  

    Luk 21:17 And everyone will hate you because of your allegiance to me.

  29. You're bringing up two different issues here.  I think a lot of people resent Christians or feel unease around them because they associate Christians with intolerance, hypocrisy, being judgmental, etc.  

    Regarding whether whites can use the N. word: When a black person calls another black the n. word, the black does not have to fear that the other person is a bigot who is going to attack or kill him.  When a white person calls a black person the n. word, there is fear and hate attached to that.  Just like I know some g**s and lesbians who call themselves or others in their community "f*g" or "q***r"--they are trying to reclaim a word that is ugly and hurtful.  

  30. It's true.  the Atheists are trying to weed out the Christians here although this section is not for them unless they are seeking to know the truth.  They are just menaces, and do cause trouble.

    What I suggest is to put on the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18), and to learn the Scriptures really well and to read whatever books will help you learn more so that you can have the confidence to answer well.  I'm not saying you didn't answer well, but we have to continue learning anyway.

    Spend time in prayer and in the Word before you get on the Internet.  Believe and pray and walk in the Spirit.  Continue to learn.  Memorize Scriptures.  Many here answer in a flippant way but this is serious.  There is a gigantic spiritual warfare going on all over the world.  We are living in the end times.  We must glorify Christ when we can.  May the Lord bless you and keep you always!

  31. Prejudice of any kind is ignorance.  We all need to learn more about the other cultures of this world and the beliefs encompassed there in.  But, as to the part relating to being disliked because of being a Christian, this is true.  We are even told so in the Bible.  Following is a quote that does not give people the right to persecute Christians, but is meant to help us understand the truth in the above statement.

    Joh 15:20  Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.

    This was a quote by Jesus.  Now, follow up with the instructions he gave us in these situations.  

    Ro 12:14  Bless them which persecute you: bless, and curse not.

    I would add here, pray for them that God give them understanding that all people have feelings.  We should not judge one another because we are different, but should love one another for that reason.  Without differences life would be most boring.

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