
Why do so many publicly support child neglect on current events ?

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is this a reflection on how they lead there lives do you think ?




  1. What like the thousands of British people who use a baby listening service whilst on holiday, and think they're better than the McCanns because they PAID for someone to stand and listen by the door of their appartments every half an hour,

    when the stupid McCanns chose to check on their kids themselves every 15 minutes??

    Are those the people you are talking about, by any chance?

    They're the very same people who slag off the McCanns, I believe!!!!

  2. who supports it?

  3. David loosen up that rag around your neck you are not making sense boy

  4. I certainly don't support child neglect, but looking and listening to some of the children around today it is obviously happening more and more.

  5. i must admit some of the Pro McCanns worry me at times, but don't take it to serious they only do it to wind up the responsible  people on here. Any one in their right mind knows you don't put wine and beer before your children's safety :)

  6. Or my man is it a reflection on your determination to believe the worst.

    But a small observation.

    I have lost count of how many times you have basically called them murders and kidnappers. Looks like your point of view has changed as there is no proof that they killed or kidnapped. Please do not respond to this message as I know you will quote some c**p tabloid paper.

    In answer to your actual question no I dont believe for a second that anyone supports child neglect.

  7. No one in their right mind supports child neglect no matter what term of neglect ur referring to!!!

  8. I would say they are trying to justify their own negligent actions by approving of anothers

  9. I never condone child neglect. Some parents make mistakes which upon hindsight they would not have done. I am sure that had the McCanns  known there was a predator in the area they would have taken more care. Some parents lose their children in supermarkets, leave a pram outside a shop, this is not neglect. Thoughtless maybe. This is why the McCanns and many other thoughtless parents are not charged with neglect. This is what child neglect really is but nobody ever writes and crucifies them do they ?

  10. Ignore them It's just Kate and Gerry, they've got about 20 accounts each.

  11. I would not support what the McCanns did, but I have every sympathy with their plight.  You have only to look at the sadness  and heartbreak in Kate's eyes to see how destroyed she is.

  12. Haven't noticed anyone support child neglect on here. If I did i would be challenging it.

  13. I prefer parent neglect. Not bought my dad a fathers day card ever and my mum is lucky if I phone her on her birthday.

  14. lynch mobs are disturbing too

  15. You know that no one publicly supports child neglect on here so why would you ask such a stupid question, are you just stirring by any chance? Sad man.

  16. Well there are lots of lippy rude kids running around towns these days and no one seems to be too bothered about them and what they are up to - so there is your answer.....

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