
Why do so many "artists" hate illustrators?

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Most don't realize, that illustrators are looked down upon by other artists (mostly self-proclaimed "painters").

The groundbreaking illustrator, Frank Frazetta, comes to mind.

Is it cuz modern artists can't draw as well as illustrators?




  1. Snobbery and jealousy.  Norman Rockwell is another example.  Pure genius that is so reviled and hated because of his subject matter and sensitivity.  But, Norman is one of the greatest in history, in my knowledgable opinion.  He WAS an artist.  Frazetta is one of my favorites too.  He was the original before Boris Vallejo and the others.  He established the genre.

  2. fine artists hate illo, not just modern artists lol and most can draw just as well or better than illustrators

    idk what's with the hate though

  3. Consider that Salvador Dali & Pablo Picasso were probably among the best  illustrative "draftsmen"  ever but they are best known for their later work.

    Have to know how to "deconstruct" to build something .

    Some "artists" do produce fine abstract  or impressionist work  , but could not "illustrate" if their life depended on it.

    Dont know about hate...envy maybe.

  4. Uh, that's news to me! And if you truly feel like that you should look at the modern artists by the names of Odd Nerdrum and Steven Assael. Realism isn't dead.

  5. its because "artists" are by nature snob and purist, they think that "art is just for arts sake". they hate anything that would cater to the masses. that's why its "fine" and "high" art. aargh.

  6. because illustrating has a different intention to fine art.

    illustrating has to be conveying a narrative visually. not just some pretty thing on the wall, or some indiosyncrative expression. it's more like story telling. no, it HAS to be story telling. whereas fine art is not limited to that goal.

    illustating is also commercial, and its probably because of different roles/artistic aims which is why fine artist my "hate" illustrators. fine art is broader, and illustration is narrow ie. has a more  specific criteria.

    just a guess, i don't think it's naything u should worry about. it's old that view....i think ppl don't really worry about it anymore, unless you wanna start it up again :P

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