
Why do so many skeptics hang out in the paranormal section?

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Is it because they are still searching for someone to prove to them the existence of the paranormal?

Or do they just like wasting time telling everyone that they are wrong or hallucinating when they share personal stories?

If you don't believe, then fine. But why waste your time with those who do believe if you think they are so wrong?

Aha! Got ya there! :)




  1. I,m here for the laughs

  2. because they like to hear themselves talk and feel better about themselves when they see someone crazier then them ;)

  3. More people read the answer then the one asking the question.They are the people I'm speaking to.Hopefully making some sense to them.There are a lot of places to go to share personal stories.Where everyone believes in ghost's and demons and all that.You can hang out there,you'll never hear from me.Besides,maybe I'll be proved wrong.I can't check out the anecdotal ghost stories told here.I do follow most links,though.I have an open mind,the evidence is just not there.At least not yet.Do you have any?Or am I wasting my time waiting?

  4. I was going to ask the same question.  I don't think any of the skeptics answers here are good.  They simply haven't experienced anything to show them the truth.  I challenge any skeptic to see a psychic or medium and just see what happens.  However, if you visit one with such an unbelieving and bad attitude I'm not sure how well it would work for you.  I have been to about 6 psychics and honestly only about half of them were any good, just like in any field.  maybe the other half were fakes or just not meant for me.  actually i'm quite sure that one of them was a fraud but this doesn't change my experiences with the good ones.  There's no way someone can fake telling you something will happen in about two months & it happens.

  5. It's a matter of using logic BEFORE explaining something without it (how many people think twice about something anyway? Ever thought maybe something simple can explain something?). The paranormal is about using what we DO know and applying it in a challenging situation that makes us THINK otherwise about our knowledge (i.e: What we do/do not know about our world)... at least sometimes, not always.

    Ever notice how most of the people who KNOW a lot about the paranormal maybe skeptics, but they're the one's who've done their fair share of research/homework - so they KNOW a lot.

    Why should they not hang around the Paranormal section? Are they not allowed to be interested in such a topic that MAY have absurd questions on here sometimes but is always "interesting". What's the harm in sharing a bit of knowledge or providing one an alternative view of something?

    Its not a waste of time - if its:

    1) Worth points

    2) Worth sharing an opinion

    3) Can have many answers - not just one single-minded judgement.

    -- Edit--

    Well, NOW that've you've elobrated a bit there, then I suppose you make more sense. I can see what you're trying to say now- and quite frankly I must add that Yes, some people are quite rude in expressing their own "opinions" (suppose they're after ONLY getting some points I guess). Just remember though, that opinions ARE opinions and that you should always keep an open mind about everything - especically the Paranormal topics because sometimes things can be logically explained away.

  6. "If you don't believe, then fine. But why waste your time with those who do believe if you think they are so wrong?"

    There is always room for sharing of ideas, especially when it might help someone, and especially when there tends to be such disparate views (i.e., scientific vs. mysticism). In addition, the paranormal section is part of the Science & Math category, and as a scientist posting here I may have more impact than in the pure science categories. Plus, I enjoy it.

    That's just me, others' mileage may vary.

  7. Because it's where all the cool kids hang out.

  8. Because we are fascinated by people who believe in weird things.

  9. I don't mind skeptics hanging out here, but I do mind when they get rude with their opinions.

  10. They just want to put people down which stems from their own insecurities.

  11. It's because they're trying to keep us balanced and keep us from falling off the "deep end". (and you can definitely do that dealing too much with paranormal  things)

    EDIT...BOO HOO...I lost my T.C. Badge hangin' out with ya'll too much!!!! O wail....It got too depressing on the section I was T.C. of...couldn't stay on there . But I'll miss it. (I "had a feeling" that was coming!!LOL)

    EDIT...The skeptics always say "There's no evidence." I think they're over here looking for "evidence". Maybe some of them want to believe in the paranormal..but don't want to be called a "kook" or take the criticism /punishment the believers have to deal with.

  12. I agree.  God told me to kill my 3 dogs in a dream I had and he would give me more money.  I did it, and I got a pay raise only 2 months later!!!

  13. because they're


  14. i think they really want to put pple down by saying they're mad, halucinating, 'go to a doctor' they feel some certain satisfaction by putting ppl down..

  15. When you hate something enough, you start to become it. That's why they come in, to re-affirm their strength of conviction as a purely logical thinkers. That way they put to rest any doubt they have in logic and dismiss any actual proof to the extraordinary.

    Anyway, I guess it's good target practice.

  16. Because a skeptic isn't necessarily a non believer. To be skeptical is to doubt but hanging out in the paranormal section is the search for proof.

  17. Actually, I think for lack of better place to put we who do believe, we landed in an odd place thanks to "answers".  I wish that we did have our own space instead of under the heading of math and science...maybe all things paranormal.  I have heard it said many times that a believer needs no evidence but a skeptic could have a boat load of evidence and still not believe.  It is not a bad thing to be wary of every claim...some have natural explanations.  And its ok to not to believe.  If I could make a wish that would come true or grant one for that matter, I would just ask that those who do not believe not make ugly, condescending comments to people who are asking serious questions.  Those people who in need of help might not know of any other way except through this forum.

  18. I think the skeptics that frequent this forum now show an interest in the paranormal and this keeps them coming back they are searching for this proof.And the most important reason they do not believe is they have not had a paranormal experience.There are however some who come in here and insult people who do believe and are asking a sincere question so they come in here trying to show their intelligence or lack of I should say with insulting and at times very childish remarks which I am sure you received with this question But I am glad you asked it.thanks

  19. Because its interesting reading!

  20. On the contrary, the skeptics are the most fearful believers of the paranormal. They hang around like piranhas and pounce on their prey with vitriolic vehemence that betrays their pitiful quest for the paranormal. Problem is, they may be in for a long wait since by definition and by essence, the paranormal is not about to cloak the linen of the normal.

  21. because they like to OBSERVE

  22. because they just cant stand it when someone believes in something illogical. But the truth is, they are worshiping at the alter of science and atheism. But if you tell them its a religion, they go nuts. when people cant explain something, it unsettles their word, and they go into complete denial.

  23. *drink*

    I hang out here because I like the paranormal section.  Oh, and because I am not comfortable with the idea of "fence sitters" being presented with only one side of the argument.

  24. It's because we like to have a laugh at tools.

  25. It gives them a feeling of power.

  26. Because they think they can convince me I have never seen a ghost?  Ya, good luck with that one!

  27. Ho Hum, this question is asked so many times I get bored of answering it. Many times I don't  If you will look this paranormal section is listed under the science and mathematics sections. Yahoo apparently wanted scientific answers instead of the myth  answers many including myself give. so  the skeptics are already here way before you way before this section even opened up and many see questions because the are looking in the science and mathematics as a whole.

    They may wonder why we are here since mots questions and answers in this section is not from the scientific angle but more the mythology or religious side.


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