
Why do so many skeptics tend to think that "global warming is the end of temperature extremes" ?

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The weather has always fluctuated within a range and now just the range will be different.




  1. Actually, theoretically, greenhouse gases should have a moderating effect on temperatures warming them overall but mostly on night time and winter temperatures as well as higher latitudes.  This would only be a very small moderating effect.  There will still be extremes and when there are, the alarmist will surely point to them and say "See, I told you so."

  2. This is just the beginning as far as Human experience is concerned.

    We need to evolve

    as lizards

    At least the Annunaki have a head start on Us.

    Is this fair?

  3. Auto exhaust is more harmful to the atmosphere than if outer space had been injected into it.  Less of a normal atmosphere means temperature extremes.  Look at the temps. on Mars, there over 300 degrees difference in one of its days.  This is why my term for government backed, watered-down term of "global warming" is "Stolen Atmosphere"  a/k/a atmospheric depletion/poisoning.

  4. They often have a false understanding of what AGW means.  The gut-level interpretation to the terms "global" and "warming" for many people is that the entire planet is supposedly rapidly getting warmer at some constant linear rate.  When they don't see that happening, their BS detector wrongly turns on.  

    Science isn't always intuitive, many scientific truths and theories go completely against common sense.  For millenniums common sense told us the sun moved around the earth.  It took science to overcome that wrong (though a natural gut-level interpretation of the observations) view.

    In reality, scientists have long predicted uneven distributions of the warming and both hot & cold extremes will certainly continue.

    On page 2 of the following link, there's a good chart showing the decrease of cold extremes (day & night) and increase of warm extremes (day and night), but not a complete elimination of them.  This is observation based:


    Mikira - LOL. I love the honesty in the comment about "getting under the skin" :-)  Unfortunately, neither side is innocent of that.

    Edit 2:

    Maris - Do you normally accuse people of things with no evidence?  I see a lot of opinion in your post, but no evidence to support it.  Now if you'll kindly show where I have said anything even remotely close to your accusation, that would be considered evidence.  Until then, your credibility is declining with every edit you make.

  5. I'm glad you stated "So Many" and didn't use a word lumping all skeptics into this bucket.

    The thing is, it sounds, at least to me, that a lot of the AGW believers that don't have much knowledge beyond what they hear or read in the Media or have seen in the movie "An Inconvenient Truth" seem to believe eventually there won't be any extremes in temperatures.

    That's what I get when I read answers that state oh the poles will melt and flood the coasts.

    When in fact when one pole is melting the other is refreezing. And it's going to take way more than a 1-2 Celsius rise in temperature to make both poles to melt at the same time.

    And I feel the reason people like to point out how cold it is in places, like up here in Minnesota, Wisconsin and large portions of Canada and the extreme winter conditions hitting China this past week, is to get under AGW believers skin.

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