
Why do so many speed? Why is it acceptable?

by Guest56237  |  earlier

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Don't people realize how quickly something bad can happen? Is it worth it? Why not just slow down? Do they think that they are the only ones that matter? Are you getting tired of it like I am? I've been calling the police on speeders in my neighborhood as there are kids around.




  1. people speed because either they're late or its fun, or both

  2. I agree with you. If they are speeding, because they are late somewhere, then they need to leave earlier!! I hate when they speed by a school. Don't they know they need to slow down!

    Everyone needs to remember driving is a privilege, not a right!~~~

  3. It most certainly is NOT "acceptable."

    And the airheads who are responding to this question like it's annoying or something should have their CARS and their LICENSES taken from them.

    Their is nothing "fun" about using a WEAPON carelessly and irresponsibly. And make no mistake about it - YOUR CAR IS A WEAPON.

    When I took Driver's Ed, they went into great detail making sure we understood the physics and simple MATH that goes with a speeding hunk of metal meeting an immovable object.

    I guess unthinking and socially IRRESPONSIBLE speeders today are just another symptom of a decaying society.

  4. I feel like I'm the only one who goes the speed limit on the road to work every day.  I figure there's no point in breaking the law, so why risk a ticket?  I have a lot of people passing me, and a few annoying people who ride my tail.

    I think a lot of it is because driving is a very inhuman activity.  There are a lot of machines on the road, it's easy to become disconnected with the gravety of the situation.  People tend not to run around other people walking, because they are more exposed.

    Then there are those people who are perpetually late.  That's a personal issue that they need to work on, without risking the safety of the rest of us.

  5. usually i slow down around neighborhood with bunch of kids, it's kind of stupid because the harder you drive the more gas you burn, and as a college kid i can't afford the full tank of gas right now.

    on the highway that's a different scenario, because in the highway faster drivers are actually safer than slower drivers because we always look out for cops, and Me personally girls too lol. Slower drivers don't give a c**p so sometimes they drift off to a catnap or do not even notice when they are out of their own lane

  6. It is most certainly not apceptable, don't they realise that not only are THEY going to get harmed, but the consiquences of their actions could KILL someone elce! It's rediculous and i think the polict should do more about it.

  7. it is fun so bugger off

  8. First. LOL@ "by the way i have been driven for 2 years no recks and tickets"

    Wow 2 years.

    But that's why they speed girl. People overestimate their abilities. They think 2 years makes them a master at something.

    But the laws are ridiculous. 55mph was created to save gas in the 70's unless that's a complete urban legend. And cars these days are incredibly more responsive than the speed laws were set to. But then there's the morons who couldn't use those cars right anyway...

    They need some autobahns in this country so people can satisfy their need to drive fast. They will also begin to learn how to actually control vehicles at those speeds. Or die, but then they won't endanger quiet neighborhoods.

    I used to "really" speed. On a straight highway, 90 in a 75. I kept my eye on entry ramps and the right lane (2-lane) and slowed if there was a car merging, a car in the right, and me about to pass. I slowed down if people pulled into the left lane to pass, rather than tailgate them, and waited until they were fully back in the right lane before commencing my pass. I looked as many CARS ahead as I could see, if there were ANY brake lights visible my foot was off the accelerator and I was ready to respond.

    Why did I stop speeding? Can't afford the ticket if I get one. Not that I ever did, I just can't take that chance right now. Plus I get WAY better gas mileage going slower, and I care about that.

    On the freeway, there's really little difference in the carnage that will ensue between the current 75 limit and letting people set their own paces. We need to focus more on actually training drivers and giving them "speed" outlets if we want safer roads.

  9. Many people are just always "in a hurry" or "chonically late" so they always are seeming to push the legal limits and yes, you get the occasional "nut job" who wants to peg the speedometer.

    Wattsie had some great points!

    I truly believe that, the speed limits are often what's unreasonable. I do agree that people have a natural tendency to drive at a speed that seems safe for the vehicle that they are in for the current road conditions.

    In theory, the posted limit is supposed to be the maximum safe speed for good driving conditions, but may not be the best speed to be traveling if the conditions worsen, you are pulling a trailer, or your vehicle isn't otherwise meant for those speeds.

  10. maybe you should get a hobby.  reading is fun.

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