
Why do so many take God's beautiful creation for granted?

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The beauty of the rivers, the oceans, or the mountains. The stars at night. The sunsets. The canyons, the cliffs, the desserts. The animals. Why do so many think this is just some kind of accident? The Bible says we can see God in His creation. That is His proof to us He is here. Why do so many scoff at that idea?




  1. Because it's idiotic?

  2. People scoff because if they accept the  truth of a creator and a creation then they would have to accept that creators plan for their lives or even for lives in general. They  want to go their own way making themselves god over their life and denying the creator.

    Romans 1:20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.

    Rom 1:21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools.

    Then it tells the judgment that came upon the people that deny God.

    Rom 1:24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised.

    Rom 1:28 And because they thought it was worthless to acknowledge God, God allowed their own immoral minds to control them. So they do these indecent things.

    God does not force anyone to believe , it's a choice. All the evidences are there if one  wishes to look for them. Those who don't want to believe are not required to do so. They are not required to endure the presence of  believers in the life after this one. It's all up to them.

  3. I'd like to know the answer to that question too. I don't see how it can be an accident.. I mean, if you think about how absolutely amazing and complex everything is... I mean really think about it... there is just no way that any of this is an accident. It's impossible.

    But you shouldn't have bothered to post this question, because all your going to get is stupid answers from arrogant atheists.

  4. Because so many can not see the beauty in anything.Most only see hate and tend to spread it.

  5. I think it is because they can not wrap their minds around the idea of God. If you think logically, it is hard to fathom that he always existed and created us from nothing. But then again, isn't it hard to fathom that all of creation was an accident?

    The problem also goes back to the question "if God created us who created God?" and since they can't answer that question, they figure it must not be true. But the flip side of that is the question "if creation came from the collision of cosmic particles... who created those particles?" So I think people believe since they can't find the source of God he isn't real, they just don't realize that they can't find the source of ANY possible explanation they can dream up. So that makes it a wash, and in my opinion, not something to consider when making spiritual decisions because it IS a wash.

    Another factor may be a person's sense of worth. If you do not feel you are worth much, how could there be an all loving creator who loves you no matter what? That may not make sense to someone with a low self image.

  6. We scoff because it's bollocks! It's brilliant and amazing but it's got f***-all to do with a non-existent god!

  7. They believe they are wise in their "reason" and their "logic".  And believe that those that don't think like they do lack both reason and logic.  Especially Christians.

    Who do I speak of?

    A specific group, of course.  One that does this "scoffing of God in Creation" idea.  Atheism.

    If I am speaking a lie, then call me out, but is it not the firm belief of the Atheist that God, a god, and/or gods have no possibility of existing due to "scientific laws/theories/observations"?

    But if God created the Universe... and the physics and natural laws of the universe... where did the "scientific method" for analyzing his non-existence come from?  Another creation.  Man.  Who I might add, is a flawed being.

  8. So true. But it is actually created by Rynkar (pbuh)

    I will pary for you.

  9. I scoff at any idea that doesn't have a shred of evidence to support it.

  10. Most of those things are pretty straight forward Geographical formations. The rest came about as a result of an alien experiment

  11. You made a mistake by implying that God exists. He doesn't. There is no real evidence to support his existence.

  12. Personally, I don't have a problem with what you've said.  Thing is, though, it's not an argument for Christianity, but for pantheism.  It in no way even starts to present a case for Bible God at all.

    There may well be a God, and this God may well be something like what you (not the Bible, but you) say.  But there is no way this God can be squeezed into a convenient little Bible shaped box.

    However, I personally think the scientific explanation works best.

  13. Romans 1

    Willful forgetfulness

  14. Why do so many people take the Flying Spaghetti Monster's beautiful creation for granted?


  15. Argument #7:


    (1) Isn't that baby/sunset/flower/tree beautiful?

    (2) Only God could have made them so beautiful.

    (3) Therefore, God exists.

  16. you know just because you cant imagine beyond god doesnt mean there is no beyond god

    basically if you cant know or understand the other explanations then you cant sit here and say god did it with any kind of certainty

    otherwise you would know everything , you would know all the information in the universe and more and understand it all

    you are not all knowing

    none of us are

    you just believe god did it

    we dont

    its that simple

    we believe what we beleive

    we chose our views, as did you

    cant you just leave it at that?

    why do so many scoff at the idea of toleration and acceptance of others views?

    and if they have to be created, so did god

    or is it possible only HE coudl come from nowhere

    (a little sarcasm right back at ya)

    and if you cant understand the science and real explanations behind all in your life, canyons, sunsets, cliffs desserts and animals,thats probably because you havnt really researched the information, and id suggest you do because the answers are all there for these things and more

  17. Which god created all these things?

  18. We use the items you name themselves, and examine them, and from this derive their origins to the furthest possible point. We do not need the Christian God, or any God, to explain why it's all here.

  19. Why did it have to be created?

    I find it more beautiful that these trees, mountains, and creatures all exist on their own and they are what they are.

    Taking it for granted would be saying that these strong natural wonders are only here and have gotten this far because someone put them there.

    There's billions of years of progress around us, of course it's beautiful.

  20. Its the creation Vs evolution debate.  we are all told there will be people who will scoff.  Just tell them, "so.. you beleive you came from a rock, huh?  I beleive God Created us.  Hey dont step on your grandpa!!!"  

  21. because they have a different opinion than you.  why do you not recognize that they have a right to their own idea of how the world was created?

  22. b/c we are all just a bunch of buttheads

  23. Why do so many fundamentalist not care about the environment?  Oh that's right, they think the end is just around the corner, and what would be the point?

  24.   It is good to see someone quote something from the bible that is actuall right.    I certainly agree with your statement and so does God... God bless

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