
Why do so many teenaged girls end there sentences with a 'uhh'.?

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As in " Nooo-uhhhh.


Stop it- uhhh.

Is it adding more emphasis on what you are saying?- uh?




  1. Uhhh, I don't know haha :)

  2. Because they are incapable of finishing a sentence as a normal person-uhhhhh.

    I know girls that do that, and I'm guilty every once in a while of it, but only when I'm goofing around, lol.  

  3. that's more of a groan/sigh. And lots of people, when they're nervous or not used to talking a lot at once, say uh at the end of their sentences. I'm 14 and I say "like" a lot when I'm nervous.

  4. They where never learned proper grammar


    Also, the word "like"


    omg, we so like need to like umm, hang out like this weekend!!

    (not even going to try with the commas in that)

  5. Cos-uuuh we-uuuh love the sound of our-uuhh whining voices-uuuh!!

    Normally it's to annoy the parents and make them crack. ;-)

    And it's more expressive, I do it when I'm seriously riled.

  6. I usually only say that when i say Dad-uh! We do it when we want something or whining about something.. like "you stole my brush-uh!!!  I never do it unless my dad is bothering me.. DAD-UH!

    Ah!! Boxer Bootie... i use the word LIKE a lot! Its a bad habit!

  7. I don't know, a lot of people do it. It's sort of a habit. And also a way to show that they're annoyed.

  8. just as a fashion, like in Indian language can say '' bhed chaal''

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