
Why do so many teenagers have s*x?

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If you're sixteen and up I don't care....unless it's with everyone. But I've seen a lot of younger teenagers loose their virginity to someone they've only gone out with for ONE WEEK! They're all like "Well why can't we have s*x???? We've gone out! It's not like we just met is it!?" Unbelievable...ONE WEEK IS NOT LONG ENOUGH!!!




  1. Because they think its "cool" but reality is the consequences are not pretty, also morals are changin in this corrupted world and pretty much kids wanna act "mature"(notice the quotations):P

  2. They want to be "adults" - simple as.

  3. Because s*x is fun and It makes them feel good.  

  4. all the cool kids are doing it. so you need to do it too. or you wont go to heaven.

  5. Because they cannot wait until another decade away!  They're more excited than us.  They want to stop having erections in the classroom.  They want love faster!

  6. because teenagers are idiots.

  7. young, full of hormones, and emotionally unstable.  when they get older (including myself) will find that they regret the things that they did when they were younger

  8. experimentation, peer pressure, the world is an f-ed up place

  9. I agree with sweeties in that they want to act like adults. Young people are as open to anyone to physical and emotional attractions, the lure of alchohol and drugs and an array of other adult based actions. It will always be an issue in that some young people will always be in a hurry to grow up.

    Have a look at the difference in legal age ranges betweeen countries, you will be suprised at how young some countries believe the age should be.

  10. There are a lot of reasons that a teen will have s*x, the biggest is pressure from friends, their partner and general society. I don't really understand it myself either, but it seems that it also comes from kids not being able to grasp the consequences of s*x.

    There's always the "everybody's doing it" excuse as well.

  11. because it feels good!

  12. 1) You can't generalize teenagers and then say "If you're over 16...". You're being picky to fit your own skewed viewpoint of how the world should be. Thats not how it works.

    2) Because it feels good

  13. Most due to social pressure and influence

    If u don't s***w something by the time your 13 or 14 these days, your just not cool

  14. It's natural, isn't it?

  15. I week is pretty long compared to alot of other situations I've seen and been in!!

    Sadly to say!!

  16. Yes, teen wants to experiment.  

  17. well...honestly its because teens today r influenced so much to do so many things...and in movies or tv shows they portray s*x as an amazingg  thing that feels good hah and doing it will make them feel older/more experianced and w.e. and all teens. waanna do is seem older haha

  18. Not as many teens are having s*x as you think. The media makes it out that way, but surveys say different.  

  19. Because of the modern era plague of liberalism and liberals telling them to "wear condoms."

  20. For guys it a bragging right.  It makes them sound big and a real stud.  Even thou most are lying about how big, how many and even if they did.  As for girls it is more of pear pressure.  

  21. Its all about pressure, just like drugs. If you learn to be happy with yourself then everything else just sorta settles in afterwords. If you dont respect yourself your another t**t of society that shouldnt be allowed to breed or breathe.

    At those ages, us guys just want to hump everything in site, its the use and abuse thing, move on to the next 'tight' girl..;)

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