
Why do so many tennis players have mono?

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And how do they catch it so easily??

Nicole Vaidisova had it in 2007, Mario Ancic was out for 6 months in 2007 also, and Justine Henin had it and still set up her schedule so as not to be too grueling. And many other players who aren't in the top 10.

So why do so many tennis players catch this thing, shouldn't the locker rooms in China be cleaner?




  1. they been making out!

  2. who knows. its odd. i dont think its just a coincidence -there are no such things as coincidences. (add weird scifi music)

  3. Um no mono isn't a lung disease and its got nothignt o do with what the person above me said. It affects the B lymphocytes, and therefore the immune system. Anybody can get it and its really really common. I've had it asymptomaticly (often you have it and you have no idea, so you can spread it without even knowing you've got it (like MRSA) I found out by a flukely blood test). It can be spread to other people months after you've had the virus. So to answer your question I don't believe it is particulary common in tennis players, its just a really common virus! I know a tonload of people who have had it (its also called glandular fever) and a tonload of people have it without even knowing! The only reason it seems like tennis players get it is because it reaches the news when they get it. It can last from weeks till months and symptoms vary. oh and its passed thru saliva, not airborne, and so its got nothing to do with cleanliness. Hope this helped.

  4. its just a coincidence

  5. Since tennis players get all the women or men they want because they are playas, they make out a lot therefore getting mono.

    Obviously, I'm not serious.  I don't know.

  6. lol i play tennis but i suppose it is probably just a coincidence. and mono can usually only be spread by kissing so i dont think that the locker rooms have much to do with it.

  7. Mono is a lung disease. It is a viral infection attacking the lungs. When a person perspires so much plus extreme heat, then sudden cool breeze or cool water applied to the body, a thermal shock will strain the lungs & cause mono, weakening the lungs wherein virus from surrounding air defeats the body resistance. It is like when we catch colds or flu. A stronger player may resist such attacks than players with weaker lungs. Having strong lungs is inborn & lifestyle of a person if he smokes, drink wine, kiss persons inflicted with the virus.

  8. It is strange, yes.

  9. They're getting it from each other, of course! lol

    Na, it's just a huge coincidence. Pretty amazing though lol

  10. If it's only spread by kissing djokeos mother must be a great snogger.

  11. don't forget sam stosur in that equation.....she's just now making her return after being out since the us open with mono.

    i dunno. mono is a virus that is passed so perhaps there's something going on within these tournaments...perhaps,half-hacked washed eating utensils from the caf's(since it is passed through saliva) room cleanliness,as you said...even just sitting next to a person with the virus one can catch,if they sneeze or cough. it's not really just about kissing in and of itself but it can come from alot of different things.

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