
Why do so many users have non-working email address in the horse racing section?

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NO ONE EVER GETS YOUR TRUE ADDRESS UNLESS YOU GUVE IT TO THEM. That's why Yahoo is so great, no one has to give their real name or address.




  1. go take a tranquilizer and go to bed

    i'm not a gate crew worker.  What are you so upset about?  You brought this all on yourself.  What did you expect?

    once we're all booted, what kind of questions are you going to ask yourself?  Aren't you harrassing us more than anyone is harassing you?

    about your answer that brought on your little rant...  can you explain what evidence you have of Barbaro's injury?  I think it's a fair question.  And you said you know because of your experience.  But you didn't say what you saw.  And it sounds a little bit like you're ranting because when someone asked you to explain you really didn't have an explanation.  Do you have an explanation or not?

  2. GET OVER IT!  It's a board where people interact.  If you say things about a horse people like, you're gonna get someone you doesn't like you.  If you don't want to offer your opinion as an answer, then DON'T.  and GOOD RIDDANCE!

    boo hoo

    boo hoo

    boo hoo

    so you're a Yahoo Answers abiding citizen.  what are you the police?  who cares.  if the forum has lost its backbone, don't use it.  get over it!

  3. holy cow !   lighten up a little !

  4. um, Yahoo Answers gives you the choice of whether or not you want people to be able to contact you.  I'm assuming that a lot of people choose not to allow people to contact them for fear of being harassed and spammed and otherwise.  Personally I wouldn't be upset with someone who makes decent attempts to answer questions contacting me for some reason.  But why would that be necessary?  We can post whatever we want as questions or answers.  If I want to ask someone something, I can address them that way.  I've never encountered someone who disapproved of that.

    Some people bash other answers if there is something particularly upsetting about it.  It can be that another answer is factually wrong and needs corrected, it can be that another answer might be true but is upsetting, it can be that another answer has offended someone's beliefs, it can be that another answer is a useless attack on the asker and someone answers to defend them, or it can be that the answer attacks the other just because that's what some people do.  Some people like to harass other people.

    Whatever it is, I would much prefer that was in an answer or question than in my inbox.  People can say whatever they want about me on here, but I don't need them personally contacting me about it.  I don't understand why you'd have a problem with it.  I don't think it's just horse racing.  There's misuse of all the categories.

    edit: I still don't understand what you're upset about.  I don't think addressing another answer is quite what the guidelines had in mind.  It's not like people are having personal conversations about their days and people they know.  All the questions and answers here are personal conversations at some level.  As long as it's relevant I don't see a problem.

    edit 2: I went and looked up the answer that you said.  I'd hardly call it a hit and run.  And you seem perfectly able to defend yourself.  I can see you might be offended, but I still don't see a problem.  You said something about the horse, another person didn't like what you said and told you so.  I don't think either of you really want to be contacted through e-mail about that.  Another person thought there was something wrong with your answer...  it's not like they were just saying bad things about you just to be mean.  I don't see a problem.  Why are you so upset about that?  You are bound to get people who don't like you and people you don't like.  Some people make friends.  Some don't.  That's how Yahoo Answers is.

    edit 3:  I still don't see a problem.  sorry.  someone thought your answer was wrong and they said so.  You wouldn't do the same?  I still don't think it was a personal attack.  That person didn't say you were stupid or yell at you or anything.  You had to know your answer would upset people here.  So many people loved Barbaro.  They would not be happy with anybody who brought the horse's life into question.  And at least this person responded to your response.  It's not like they're oblivious.  They just don't think you're right.  Whether or not you're right, that's what happens on the horse racing board of Yahoo Answers.  Any topic on this board is mostly speculation, so there's a lot to argue about.  I mean no one really knows how good a horse is or what happened causing the horse to break down.  Some give better explanations than others, some are more acceptable, some are more true.  On message boards like this, you sort of need to distance yourself from it because no matter how right you are, there will be someone to argue with you.  

    For the record: I'm not offering my opinion about your argument.

    Also, getting back to the original question, I don't think people will contact you if they don't have their e-mail posted.  If people don't want to be contacted, they probably don't want you getting their e-mail address by contacting you.  And personally I don't think to e-mail anyone because I don't have my e-mail posted, so I don't think to look for someone elses.  And I've never had the occassion to contact someone.

  5. Whew !! Someone sure is angry. I don't like the personal attacks either, or the inappropriate language and responses I see on this forum all too often. A case in point happened the other day, when an adult man gave a Dial-a-p**n ( a 1-900 number) to a 13 year old girl in response to a question she asked about the weather at Churchill Downs on Derby Day. She was worried about the weather and the impact that it might have had on the race- a normal situation in the racing world- and this particular adult had no business responding in such a manner. I reported the abuse of the forum, and YA removed his response from the column. I can cite other examples of abuse and personal attacks as well- I was called stupid when I defended the sport of steeplechasing a while back, and also when I spoke up about the whether or not the sport of foxhunting should be banned. In fact, I was actually threatened by the asker of the foxhunting question, and I reported her as well !!! I am only too glad NOT to give my real name or e-mail address, as I am NEVER sure of the identity of some of the people who respond to the questions here. The only one I have any real idea about is the young responder I mentioned above, and even with her, I am careful NOT to give my name.  The abuse of this category and forum needs to STOP, there is no doubt of that. YA needs to do a better job of screening responses so that the inappropriate or obscene ones aren't viewed by those who shouldn't see them. This shouldn't be a place where people who can't agree attack each other just to get points or to have the last word on things. Another issue that needs to be addressed is the age of the respondents- YA really needs to set a minimum age limit. We have way TOO many young readers and respondents, and this has the effect of encouraging adult respondents to swear and treat the youngsters badly, not to mention ( and this has happened at least once since I have been a member) openly solicit kids for s*x. YA is NOT a personals column !!! Finally, those of us who love horses and are involved in horse sports other than racing desparately need and want a column of our own. It could be called something like "Equestrian Sports", or "Horse Sports", and would serve as a forum for people who want to share their knowledge and ideas. It's time for the people at YA to wake up and smell the coffee if they want to keep their membership levels up. That's just my thinking.

  6. Like many people on this site, I do not want people knowing who I am.  I enjoy helping people out and giving them information about the industry, because when I was younger I knew nobody in racing and wanted to learn how to become involved, this site would have helped out and this industry needs all the help it can get.  BUT, I do not need to answer emails because somebody can't handle my sarcasm or doesn't like my answer, I already get enough of that from our clients when their mare doesn't catch or if the're pissed off about what the vet charged them when they were at my farm.  I also don't want people coming up to me in the paddock before a race because they might think I'm their friend because I agreed with them or answered one of their questions, I already have enough friends around the track, I don't need more.

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