
Why do so many women these days smoke cigars?

by Guest59230  |  earlier

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  1. yuck cigars - I have not seen any females smoking them, thank goodness that is revolting!

  2. their addicted, supposedly it helps u loose weight well i suppose it does if u smoke and dont eat...........i dont know what a strange thing to ask

  3. Smoking tobacco is obviously not healthy for you, and I do not intend to promote smoking in any way with this answer. However, to best answer your question, I should tell you about my experience with tobacco.

    I would say that "so many women" is too much of a generalization to be true. But if women choose to smoke cigars, I would think that it has to do more with the various flavours that cigars come in.

    When I went through my tobacco experimental days (full of regret), I bought cigarillos which come in a wide variety of flavours and "attractive" packaging. Since women are more likely than men to be supertasters (see source 1), there's a greater appeal in purchasing tobacco products with flavours, smaller sizes (think menthol and Virginia Slims). Not to mention that women tend to like pretty things, right?

    In the 1920's, female smokers were lured in by tobacco industries by advertisements that evoked a sense of liberation and prestige. Cigarettes being the poison of choice since they are "smooth," compact, and "s**y" if you will, it was simply the norm (see source 2). If you've been noticing that a lot of women smoke proper cigars regularly (which I would find a little amusing to see myself), then it could very well be about the right for a female to "enjoy" a cigar like a man would.

    Personally I've not seen this trend. All the female smokers I know smoke cigarettes, and if they've ever touched a cigar or cigarillo, it's only ever been to try them.

  4. What planet do you live on?  Smoking is UNCOOL everywhere on planet Earth these days,

    even in FRANCE!!!


  5. *vomits*

  6. These women are striving to be second-class women, and are achieving their goals.

  7. I don't. The smell isn't pleasant.

    The guys here have the very occasional ciger-smoking gathering. It amuses me, because I think it's a case of boys wanting to be like their dads. They never finish the thing, but sit around discussing flavors, textures, and other such erudite things... passing around each other's cigars to decide who has the best, most distinct cigar. This effect is frequently marred by the one honest guy saying "These all taste like ****. Seriously? This cost $30?" There is then silence, everyone notices their cigars have gone out, and they get tossed. I then suggest they have one of their cigarettes, and everyone feels better about the experience.

    Repeat this show every 3 months, about.

    "My Dad's humidor is filled with Cubans. He'll send us some."

    "Erm... that's okay."


  8. Times are a changin'

  9. Dont smoke cigars at the moment but I have in the past and love them!

  10. Is this a gender issue?

    Why do some prefer vanilla to chocolate?

    Personal taste?

  11. What, smoking cigars is only a mens' activity now? What is this world coming to!

    I smoke cigars because they taste so rich, so delicious. Yum.

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