
Why do so many young (17-20)women want to get married?

by Guest66615  |  earlier

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like right now. Don't they see that there is so much more in life than staying home having babies, then divorcing a few years later because they got married so young?




  1. At that age, they think it's a fairy tale . I have known girls that age that married and all they talked about was the wedding and the dress and this and that and it was like a fairy tale thing to them. Then the carpet gets pulled out and they start to see the big world as it is.

  2. to be honest i dont think its a big deal..i mean...look what this world is coming to. do you reali think if you or i said that this is wrong or why do they do this..anyone would listen...dont think so!!

    just let ppl do what they want, just be proud of yourself that you dont think there way eh!! i wouldnt stress over it lol

  3. People should forget about marriage...why bother? It will likely end in divorce...that way girls can get babies from different fathers and sue those guys for money and live happily ever after right?

    I agree with you 17-20 year old are too young...they should wait...our life is too complex without having a good job or steady income.

  4. Too many fairy tales when they were young.

    But it all evens out after they have a couple kids and get a divorce, they can live for the next 2 decades off the child support the guy has to work 2 or 3 jobs to pay.


  5. Marriage is pretty low risk for women, they can stay home and not work for a few years, then dump the guy and leave the marriage with cash and prizes.  

  6. my goodness the single mother bashing going on here. Guys are just as guilty as girls here. They knew the risks just the same and a child needs financial support from both parents. Bitter much!?!

    sorry, to answer the question at hand, I think people at that age think it's the appropriate thing to do in life. Get married, have kids, be in love, grow old... natural progression following a long history of marriage and children. I think the people who have no desire to have kids and be married are the ones who are off. Who says a life of promiscuity and b*****d children is the right way to go anyway?

  7. probably for security reasons.  either that or they're still in fantasy land.

  8. Getting married is good for your health.  Young women could see no reason not to get married.  Just because they want to get married does not mean they will stay at home having babies and get divorced.

  9. They are in love with the idea of 'being in love'.  I did it too and divorced 13 years later.

  10. They see it as the easy and safe answer to the question,what the h**l am I going to do with my life?  

  11. And why is this any of your business?

    If a woman wants to get married young its her life and her choice.

    Just mind your own business and worry about your own life not others.

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