
Why do so many young girls choose to have children?

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Seriously, why?

Persoanlly,I cant think of anything worse, im 20 and I know girls who had kids at anything as young as 16. Who werent with the dads and had no house or financial security or anything. I want kids when im older, financially stable,married with a house, and ready to live my life for smeone else as well as myself.




  1. They have s*x no protection, they have s*x and the condom fails I guess, you should alway's use a condom and birth control. Then there pregnent and yeah, they just say I wanted to get pregnent

  2. Most people cant afford to suddenly fork out over a grand in some areas for an abortion. And some are convinced that they can do it all. Also some dont believe in abortions and adoption and are convinced that the child may have a better life with them which is true there are possibilites that the child can end up being beat or molested by another family. But they usually make the decsion based on there family. ex. i was 16 when i got pregnant my first time. My mom conviced me to get an abortion but the other family excluding the father wanted me to have the child. But based on how me and the father lived at that time (parting it up) they told me I have a chance of having troubles with the prgnancy and the child. So I terminated the pregnancy. finish school im now going to college and living a life that i cant ask for more. And with a almost 11 month old daughter.

    Besides they lay down open their legs without thinking of protection then they have the resposibility of another.

  3. duh! they dont choose it, they get pregnant on accident. do u really think those girls who r 16 with kids and no education chose that?

  4. Most do it completely unplanned.  They have little s*x education, so they get pregnant.

    Other just give into peer pressure.

  5. Some have children young because of unfortunate circumstances/poor choice, but some actually choose to be young mothers because they feel like they're ready. It's good that you want to make sure you are secure before you have  children, but it really just comes down to personal choice. Good luck.

  6. I believe that the girls just aren't thinking like adults! They are spoiled kids that don't think of anyone else but themselves. It is tough for me to understand their mentality since I am not young and stupid.

  7. It's because too many young girls these days have no one at home that they feel can love them.  Too many mothers running off to work (those that don't have to), and the girls in a hard time in their life, when most teenagers anyway don't feel like anyone loves them, on top of puberty and hormones hitting them like bricks, go out and seek that pregnancy.  Women who are pregnant get lots of attention.  And they have this false belief that when they have that baby, it will be something that loves them.

  8. Because young girls are stupid! They have unprotected s*x, they don't realize that the world is overpopulated and bad as it is, or they want kids just because.

    There should be more young girls claiming that they never want children. Its better that way. There's already enough kids.

  9. well, i just turned 19, but i was 16 when i had my first son. and you know what, i am STILL with the dad and we are expecting our second child and we just got married last october. sure, for awhile i had to live with my parents, and i couldnt see matt(ethan's dad) but even though they werent happy, i know my parents love their grandson. i moved out last year and me and matt got a house togetheer. we both have stable jobs, and we are expecting our second child. i admit, it wasnt the best thing i  have done, but i still love etahn. do you honestly think a 16 yr old girl, who just wants to have fun with her friends WANTS to get pregnant? i was on the volleyball team and being recruited to play for college. i loved volleyball but i had to give it up for my son, but i plan to coach the local 11-13 yr old girls team soon. even though i regret getting pregnant,i dont regret having my son. and its not as bad as those 12 yr olds

  10. there are all different reasons for this, people just assume all sorts of things that in some situations arent true. there are genuine young people out there who do want children and can provide for them. i know having children when you are very young, at school for example, is going too far as its unlikely you can provide for a baby at this age, but a lot of girls do it and cope fine. as long as they do the best for their baby thats the important thing. ive always wanted children but i was told i couldnt have any because of pcos and a womb defect, it really hit me hard as its all i wanted to do with my life. id always planned to make sure i had money, a house and everything i needed for a baby before having one, but after being told something so scary it just makes you think material things arent always important. im now pregnant, and im really greatful as i didnt think it would ever happen, i can provide for my baby me and my partner are doing fine and it was definately the right time. im 19 i will be 20 when the baby is born, i dont feel that ive done anything wrong, i thought we would be trying for years before i got pregnant but luckily i got pregnant straight away with our planned baby that we can provide for. its when people who have no intention of doing the best for their baby and taking it for granted that they can get pregnant that really gets to me, as there are so many people that deserve babies and cant have them.

  11. Well you have a good point, but life doesn't always happen the way we plan. I was like you, I didn't want kids until I was older, more stable, etc...  but that is not how it happened. I too am 20 and I have a 9 month old son. Sometimes life just happens and you just roll with the punches. It is not how I planned it, but now I could not imagine my life without my son, nor do I want to. He is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. Getting pregnant is not the worst thing that could happen. I can think of far worse. The way I think of it, is instead of taking the interstate to get where I want to go (graduation from college) I am taking the scenic route. It takes a little longer, and a little more gas, but it is definitely worth the ride

  12. some girls are dumb about it, do you think any 16 year old REALLY wants to have a baby? their not smart about having s*x and mistakes happen. and then there's the ones who  are "in love" and they think if they get pregnant their boyfriend will never leave, yeah okayyyyyyyyy.

  13. Ok well your right. You should get married and have children when you are happy with you mate and have a secure life. Those girls at such a young age didnt wear protection and had s*x for the fun of it not knowing that they had to have the responsibility of a child and they're needs.

  14. Good for you. Why don't you live and let live, instead of casting judgement on other peoples lives? At the end of the day, people make mistakes, and not everybody's first thought is 'right, I'll kill it'. There are a lot of girls out there trying to make the best of a difficult situation, and they don't need people sitting at their computer screens belittling them over it. I am in the in-betweeny stage, I had a baby just before turning 20, and yeah I'm single. However it was the best thing that ever happened to me, and we are financially sound. That's great that you want to wait, but some people have that decision taken out of their hands by mother nature, and I think if anything you should be commending these people who choose to go down the turbulent road that is young/single motherhood, when they could so easily have taken the easy way out and become yet another abortion statistic.

  15. yeah um.. i had my daughter at 17, i am not with the father because he recently decided to use drugs. I dont want my daughter around that sh**. Just because you dont have children doesn't mean you can bash on all of us teenagers that do. Some of us are not ready to have children at a young age yes, but some of us are. I work full time, I graduated from high school, and I am the best freaking mom that I can be for my little one. Why you are bashing young moms is beside me but I think it is very rude to assume that all young moms are bad mothers.

  16. Having the most teen births out of most of Europe, it is a problem. But a few hundred years ago or not even that, I guess (am not a historian) it would be normal for people so young to have children. But nowadays, although the norm, is not really accepted. Girls have children because they choose to have unprotected s*x. And they will have to pay the price for doing so and grow up quickly. Unfortuantely, they miss out on a lot such as education, travel and slowly growing up. Their chances of marriage are also slim as men don't like being attached to a woman with a young child, after all, its not his. But rather would only want to sleep with them. I have Nothing against single mums as I find them attractive.

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