Don't they realize that all it's gonna do is attract the weirdo's and not their peers? For instance,, ya' see a ? that says, "Do I look good like this?" Then you see it's a girl pictured and you just know she's not legal, but still trying to look s**y. Don't these children realize exactly how this can come back to hurt them? I guess one can kinda pre-figure it's something like that and just not open the question, but you'd think pedophiles would look for questions and pics like that. Without total censorship, can't Yahoo monitor and restrict questions and behavior as this? I've got a 5 y/o girl and I'm scared she'll do the same and end up hurt, lied to, convinced to do something inappropriate, run away, or even be killed. I see it all the time out here and it scares me as a parent as well as a man. Some even "LOOK" legal, but... "C'mon!
IDK, Please, this is a worldwide forum, can't all of us better inform these children of these dangers and try to stem this behavior? Anyway, just an observation.