
Why do social workers always act so rude to me?

by Guest64175  |  earlier

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I have had to talk to social workers for almost half my life im a teenager and when ever they call me down to the office at school oor visti me at home they (these two particular case workers) ask me how i feel and whats going on , when i tell them they write stuff down i told them that my father had been hitting me and i even SHOWED them bruises but my dad was friends with one of them and they said that I was harming MYSELF which is obserd it made me feel like i was alone, they have also said that i need anger mangenmet and counsling becuse of this "self harm thing" its the worst feeling in the world when you put your trust in someone elses hands who you think you can but they turn around and use it against you tell what i should do no one will ever beileve me except a few close friends who i trust and love very much.




  1. Social workers deal with a lot of c**p by teenagers, that is probably why they are so mean. They just assume the worst because that's what they usually deal with. That being said, that is defiantly NOT an excuse! If your dad is really hitting you, you need to know that it is not ok at all! Even if your social worker does not take it seriously it is! You need to go to the police and write a report. This may be hard because it is your dad but you deserve to be in an environment that you feel safe in. If you feel like you cannot go to the police, go to a trusted grown up, obviously not your social worker, but maybe a family friend who will believe you or a neighbor. Even one of your friends parents. This is a very serious problem and it should be just ignored.

  2. Wow, i feel so bad for you, DO NOT put up with that just because hes ur dad, hes giving u the option to talk to social workers that he has influence over so hes indirectly controlling you. This may sound rash but you REALLY need to call some different social workers on your own time or even the police, he shouldnt be hitting you, and if your mother doesnt stop him then shes involved too. Do not put up with this, you should live a life where you shouldnt have to deal with people who have legal control over you and abuse it, regaurdless of whether or not they are your parents they should act like it, you need someone who can help you through a tough time not literally beat you while your down. Call the police or social workers, tell a teacher or counciller, any adult who can help you take some action will do!  

  3. Trust me i know how you feel, I grew up in foster care, jumping from family to family. When it comes to social workers, just flip them the bird and don't say a word....maybe punch them in the nose....they are all retards and NEVER EVER trust ANYONE with a secret...especially a social worker..or a therapist. They are the worst people to tell, you want someone to listen to you about your dad hitting you...get in good with a teacher at school...the nicest teacher you know...tell him/her about it...ask if they can help you get a spy cam...set it up in your room or wherever he hits you the most often. Catch him in the act on cam. Then have the teacher make copies, send one to the police station and give one to your case worker...I know its allot of work, but it's the best i can do to help you, also if you don't have a teacher to help...this might sound like a long shot...but it might be crazy enough to work......send a letter to Opera...she is good at stirring this kinda stuff up...make sure the letter is written to sound like a really bad sob story. I believe you can contact her show threw her website, you might be able to look it up. No matter what you do...DO NOT give up...oh yea  and one more don't have to go to classes to learn how to defend yourself....the internet has everything you need to know...look into judo it's all about using someone's body weight against themselves. Try to find websites that you can READ instead of watch on videos, if you read it instead you will learn things that you cannot see in videos...respond to this if you can and let me know how it works out for ya.

  4. You souldn't be in this situation. it's the social worker's job to help YOU and beleive you not what your fther's friends are saying. If they're not doing their job, call child protection services in your local area and report the two social workers if not explain the situation to them. [who ever answers the phone if you call]

  5. They are probably tired of you trying to gain sympathy and coming up with outrageous stories all the time. If you would spend more time on doing what your suppose to be doing and less time looking for attention, you would probably be ok.

  6. yeah, cause thats what some adults do. they talk down to teenagers cause they think theyre better because theyre older, which actually theyre are alot of teens who are just as mature as they are.

    but seriously, dont go to them next time.

    go to the police. cause apparently your school isnt doing anything bout it. which is stupid cause they are the ones your aspose to trust if you have problems like that.

  7. Children have been known to report their parents for cruelty, etc., because they didn't like the house rules.  In one case that I am aware of, the child was bruising herself and saying that her parent was doing it...and had her best friend's mother convinced that she "was afraid to go home"....after the 2nd time that she called child protective services and they told her that her option was foster care, the fake calls stopped.  This same "child" is now in her late 30s and constantly having problems because she does not choose to accept any authority of any kind.  This may be what the social workers think that you are doing.  

  8. Which country are you in?

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