
Why do some Aussies and Kiwis dislike each other?

by Guest57546  |  earlier

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I can never understand this. Why can't they just get along?




  1. What's a kiwi?

    Not the fruit

  2. if you were a Aussie or a Kiwi you would know that we don't

    just a lot of leg pulling

  3. Bloody h**l- let us get this straight once and for all (third question I answered about this in 2 days)!

    WE DON'T DISLIKE EACHOTHER! It's simply a case of friendly rivalry and friendly teasing- really, deep down, we're very good friends.

  4. i think its the rugby. there is heaps of conflict cause of that. im a kiwi and i love aussie and aussies are pretty cool. both countries are unique in their own way. oh and btw the accents are COMPLETLY different :)

  5. We get along just fine seeing as there are almost as many Kiwis in Australia as there are in New Zealand!  Ok, so that's an exaggeration but as was said this is a friendly rivalry that extends mainly to sports...

    I must say though that I found some Kiwis in London very antagonistic to Aussies...might be coz the Poms lump us into one category and Kiwis want to differentiate themselves.  Just like when a Canadian is called a Yank.

  6. We dont really hate each other. I live on the Sunshine Coast in Australia and I think there are more Kiwis here than Aussies - so obviously they like our country so much more than theirs that most of them seem to move here :)

    Soooooo many sheep jokes running around in my head!!!

  7. I have no idea what a Kiwi is.

  8. You are probably misunderstanding a friendly (though vibrant) rivalry between the two countries.

    When it comes down to it most Australians would consider the Kiwis our closest friends on the face of the Earth.  If we hated them that much we wouldn't have an open slather free trade zone with them. Neither would we have let half of them live and and work all over Australia and treat them in a similar manner to our own citizens.  The same goes vice versa.

    Perhaps you are misunderstanding Australian culture.  Australian humour particularly revolves a lot around reversing and twisting everything around.  A swag of insults becomes a very endearing greeting to an old friend.    The nicest most diplomatic speech might become an extremely sarcistic retort.  The only difference being the tone of voice used in the exchange.  

    As for getting along,  Australians and New Zealanders have been good mates from time immemorial. Ok so we like to take the mickey out of each other at every opportunity.  This is just sibling rivalry.  Our shared history of triumphs and failures, culture and trade and the ditch that separates us will always ensure that we will be mates for a long time more yet.   (Oz will still win the cricket though - dig dig).

  9. Kiwi's and Aussies don't dislike each other - there is just a competitive streak against both countries with sport.  It's all in fun.

  10. Hello. I am with you. I am in Qld and i do fruit picking and they are always fighting over sports. They end up in big punch ups and i just walk away as i do not want to fight. I just think people should grow up and get on with life. I hope this helps. Take care.

  11. Haven't made it to NZ yet, but all reports I've heard suggest that the Kiwis take the rivalry a little more seriously than Australians. In their position, I probably would too!

    My favourite quote on the matter is from Robert Muldoon, then Prime Minister of New Zealand, who said ‘New Zealanders who leave for Australia raise the IQ of both countries’. Zing.

  12. Ok, I think I better explain; all the fussing and fuming between us is really good natured, there is hardly ever anything really nasty. its sort of like a fight between the big brother (New Zealand) and the little brother (Australia)

    By the way, just for the record, Australia is a small island off the coast of New Zealand.

    P.S. I am a Kiwi

  13. Hehe, as you can see, as written by Caleb, its all just good natured fun. It really stems from the fact that New Zealanders (little brother) are just jealous of Australias (big brother) beautiful weather! ;-)

  14. It's just like in any family of siblings.

    We can say things about each other but will fight to the death when someone else says anything uncomplimentary.

    We are great friends and neighbours but rivals on the sporting field.

    Especially in cricket, rugby union, netball and rugby league.

    We do like and respect each other.

    Together we are the ANZACs and extremely proud of the fact.

    Just for your information:

    In both Australia and New Zealand, ANZAC Day on 25 April, is the sacred day of remembrance for the fallen in all wars.

    ANZAC - the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps.

    The first ANZAC Corps was formed in December 1914 when the Australian Imperial Force and New Zealand Expeditionary Force stationed in Egypt, were combined under the command of Lieutenant-General William Birdwood.

    The ANZACs made their operational debut at Gallipoli on 25 April 1915.

    The cove where they landed quickly became known as 'Anzac Cove', and the title ANZAC was soon being used to describe all Australian and New Zealand soldiers who fought at Gallipoli, and eventually any Australian or New Zealand soldier.

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