
Why do some Australians have no empathy for the Bali 9 and Corby?

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i am not an Australian but I feel for them even though maybe they were wrong. I think sometimes in life one get caught in a bad situation...hasn't anybody else out there made a mistake in his or her life?




  1. If you get caught with drugs in Australia, you do time in jail.  Get caught in Indonesia and you risk the death penalty.  They took ther chances and lost.  I have no sympathy for bloody idiots.

  2. Im Australian, For Corby its a bit different i still belive she is inoccent, but the media is making her look guilty, With the bali 9 there is no Empathy becaue they were caught dealing herrion in a country there is a death peanty for it... They broke the law, Live with the consquence

  3. Because all people are different.Some like me have sympathy for the Bali 9 and Corby and do not think the Bali 9 should be executed.By the same token I can understand the other side of the argument,even though I don't agree with it.

  4. Yeah I know - this really annoys me.  So they made some mistakes, but they didn't deserve what happened to them.

    Australians aren't as nice as we make out.


    It makes more sense if you consider that I am an Australian.


    Ya know, the thumbs down make it pretty clear that I am 100% right, dumb@sses.

  5. I have no sympathy for them because they did a very dumb thing.

  6. yes iv made a heap of mistakes......... but not mistakes that will get me locked up or shot in a foriegn country!

    all the corbys are guilty........ that family has been running drugs to bali for years!

    an the bali 9, well they were mostly just stupid!

  7. because a lot of people have been the ones that have lost loved ones because of drugs. imagine having a son being shot because he got on the wrong side of a druggo? it's hard to forgive this, in their eyes they're all the same.

    These people went to a country that holds death penalty for drug dealing, and dealt drugs. not clever.

    I don't agree with taking someones life, i say send em back to aus and put em in our gaols, the people who are being most hurt by this are their families and it isn't fair.

    yeah we all make mistakes but what they did was dumb.

    i have sympathy for them, no doubt about it, but it was a silly thing to do.

  8. hang the bloody lot!

    ALL of them knew what they were getting into...

    if you make a mistake, expect consequences, and if you make big mistakes, expect BIG consquences.

    any aussie with half a brain knows what happens when you pull this stuff in foreign countries, particularly asian countries.

    we've seen way too many of our country men and women hung or shot for drug smuggling to plead ignorance.

  9. We are not talking about simple mistakes here.

    All 10 knowingly committed very serious crimes in Indonesia in full knowledge of the likely penalties. They all deserve everything that happens to them. It's a pity Australia is so lenient on drug smugglers and dealers. Perhaps if we weren't so lenient, there would be fewer drugs around to ruin lives.

    I have great empathy for the parents of some of the Bali 9. It must be heartbreaking to see your child in their situation, but they did the crime and now must pay the price. I exclude Corby's family from my empathy. The family is deeply immersed in the drug culture and knew the score from the beginning.


    You can give me as many thumbs down as you like. I've had close family and close friends who have had their lives and families destroyed by drugs and anything that in any way helps to stem this awful tide of misery has my full support.

  10. There are many types of mistakes - some which are minor and some are serious and unforgivable. In this case, the ten of these people are involved in this sort. It is, technically, no mistake as they intended to do it on the other hand.

    Society and the rest of the world does not need people like this to ruin other people's lives.

    I don't feel empathy for them... nor for anyone. If they chose to take that path, then they should live with the consequences. It is no one's responsibility for their actions but themselves.

    I just laugh at anyone who gets into serious trouble with the law and still calls at their mum for help. Well, sorry to burst your bubble 'little kid', but if you're old enough to commit a crime which is like murder, your mummy won't be able to help you... and stick up for you.

  11. "Australians aren't as nice as we make out"

    What?? That makes no sense.

    Anyway, as the person above said - some Australians are sympathetic, some are not. It's that simple.

    For me personally, Schapelle Corby's case is not that clear. I think there are many underlying factors there. As for the Bali 9, they were found with heroin strapped to their bodies. They knew what the consequences would be be and they still did it. Having said that, I don't believe they deserve to die.

    There you are - one Aussie opinion. Now you just have to ask the other 21 million or so and you'll have a clear answer! LOL!

  12. As far as Corby is concerned I doubt that anyone will actually find out the whole truth behind her incarceration. But as for the Bali 9 they certainly knew what they were doing and if you have ever been to South East Asian countries, Indonesia in particular they have very clear signs that state what will happen where use or trafficking of drugs are concerned. So I can not sympathise with them especially as it truly was a clear cut case.

    I mean come on what idiot would strap that much drugs to their body and try and attempt to get through customs and security in any country?

    They had no sympathy about killing others, whether physically or emotionally, with the drugs they were going to import so why should I offer them that respect?

  13. If you can't do the time don't do the crime.

    They all deliberately did something that they knew was illegal, and anyone with half a brain would have known that there was a chance they would get caught and what the consequences might be.  Explain to me, slowly and clearly, why anyone should feel sympathy for them?

  14. There is a lot of sympathy in Australia for these kids, but there are a lot of people who take the hard line on it. Its like any other country - lots of different opinions.

    In think the hardliners generally have a real fear about the impact of heroine in Australia (Bali 9) and the risk that their kids might one day die from a heroine overdose. its kinda understandable, I suppose.

    People have been a bit more sympathetic about Corby, probably because she a young goodlooking woman. Maybe also because she was found with pot, which is much more socially acceptable in Australian than heroine.

    The other thing to know about Aussies is that we can be pretty tough critics. The sense of aussies being "laid back" and "no worries" is tempered by Aussies also having a fire in their belly, not being afraid of 'sticking up for their mates' (defending their friends) and not shying away from a fight. Aussie's also don't like people getting "too big for their boots" (google Tall Poppy Syndrome).

    For the record, I think what they did was wrong, but I think Australia should repatriate them back to Australia to serve their sentences there.

  15. I'm Australian and the Bali 9 deserve to get all the Bali government throw at them. Drugs have always had tough sentencing and Bali has always been a Australian holiday destination. They were aware what could happen and thought they would not get caught, they did. They need to live with the consequences. Corby was caught also with drugs, unfortunately we will never know if they were hers or not. Only she knows that. People who go to Bali with drugs or who sell drugs there know their laws. Some Australians have no empathy because there is no reason why, they do not know better. I have empathy for their parents and family. How selfish can you be not to think about them before committing a crime that has such harsh penalties and only able to travel there by plane.

  16. "Why do some Australians have no empathy for the Bali 9 and Corby? "

    Because some Australians do not like drug traffickers.

    There - that actually ANSWERED the question you asked.

    I wondered what would be you opinion if a memebr of your family died from the drugs they carried?


  17. Because its not like they didn't know Indonesian law over drugs which they broke  they might be harsh sentences in our eyes but it is their country not ours.

    In Australia we have very strict illegal refugee laws they get locked up if caught but that is our law even though some don't agree with it thats the way it is.

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