
Why do some British people hate the royal family.?

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I'm American and don't know a lot about the royal family but I heard some British people want to end the monarchy and have a republic. I like Prince William and Diana was wonderful. As for the rest they are o.k. They are not perfect but people shouldn't have such a beef with them. If people feel like they aren't doing enough in the government Parliment should just give them a little more power. Just make sure they don't abuse it. In America the president has a lot of power but can't abuse it a lot due to checks and balances. I don't think it is fair just to kick them out into the street.




  1. we had a civil war, kicked the butt of the royalists then doubted the governments ability to rule when Cromwell died, so invited the royal family back. i think the British past time for being indecicive means that the royal family are here to stay

  2. We believe everyone is equal, but they believe they are better than us. We pay for them, and have done since the beginning of this country. The reason they're a tourist attraction and do good things is because that's the only reason we have to keep them around.

    I don't hate any people, but I hate the idea that people can be born into a privilaged position, power and respect should be earned not unconditionally granted.

    That's why we should kick the monarchy out, because the very idea of it goes against the values of the people of this country.

  3. because i work my @ss off to pay taxes so that prince harry the Ba5tard can go and get p1ssed every night.

  4. Royal family? Royalties? I hate them all...we should eliminate them. Why should we bow to others and call them our "lords"?

  5. Completely aware of it and Maybe some citizenry has been unfairly mistreated. Where two sides are incopatible.  History tells, Four corners of my blood is superior primoginature. As a person educated at modern times, I apologized for my past family despotic mal mangement.  

    As a person of modern time, On my business field, I never kick off employees, learning from my granfathers advices, if their are despute among employees, give them right to decide weither to stay or resign, I never interfer but I demand of their service product.

  6. Ignorance! you can't expect people with no self respect to respect others !

  7. Jealousy and spite!

  8. Alot Of It Is Most Likely Down To Religion.

  9. It's called freedom of choice, something America is loosing .. being Australian I am one of the oddities in that I am a strong Royalist .. but no-one of sense would insult my beliefs any more than I think Republicans are wrong .. we just have different ideas .. why don't I want a Republic? .. well look at South Africa, India, Pakistan, USA .. bit frightening ayy?

  10. Some people just hate everyone, even themselves.

  11. they are past there sell by date.

  12. It is not that we hate the monarchy, but more disapprove of what the current household does in their personal life.  It is also part of British Culture to bring other people down.  Don't blame us blame the media.

  13. Because they are foreigners who have taken over the most prominent position in society.

    It doesn't matter how brilliant your child is , you know they will never be allowed to become of Head of State because that job always goes to the members of the same family.

    People have tolerated the present queen because she is so dull and uncontroversial but when she dies Prince Charled will take over and he has already proven to be deceitful and treacherous so there may be a chance that Britain may dump these people at last and become a full democracy.

  14. The monarchy means a lot to me and I'm 27.i think people are just ignorant towards them more than anything.

    They should be more public and involve themselves more in the ruling of the country.

  15. I don't think anyone actually 'hates' them...but some of us don't see the point in them.

    They are not intelligent, they do nothing for the country, and they are ridiculously expensive at a time when people are losing their jobs.

    They're are not even British!....they are German/Greek!

  16. It's just like Americans who hate Bush as a president.  There are factions.  Some British don't see things the way others do.  The same is true of everyone, really.

  17. Because we feel we should have the right to vote for who is head of state, and not just be stuck with someone who is there by accident of birth.  I don't think there are many people who think the royals should have greater political power as you suggest.  Monarchists tend to like things the way they are at the moment.

    The royals are just not accountable to the public, despite receiving public money, and to many that's not a just state of affairs.

  18. I guess it similar to why people not like President Bush (I hate saying Hate, lol!).

    I going to start my own country one day and it will be a Monarchy. I love my woman and tell her she my Queen. One day she will be Queen of my country, even if it just her and me. :-p

  19. As a Republican I don't hate the royal family, though I don't like many of them. What I hate is the fact that in a supposed democracy none of us have the right to choose or become the country's Head of State. These people are automatically given status and privilege but many of them don't deserve it and abuse it.

  20. A lot of it is jealous and reading too much modern media. Watching remembrance day commemorations, most of the royal wore medals which were earned in the military. The Queen drove ambulances during the war. The politicians (who send people to war had very few if any medals). Its the politicians that need changing. £40,000 a year rise that's higher than the average wage. Prince Charles, Duke Edinburgh, Prince Andrew and Earl Mountbatten all R.N. active service. The first and last names are very nice people.

    People should reserve comment until they have met people they criticise.

    Or maybe they are jealous cos H.R.H lives in the biggest and best council house in England.

  21. I'm not British but I've read arguments from them that they take up too much tax payer's money and they aren't modern enough anymore. Which despite my love for the British monarchy ( I love Prince William too :) ) I have to say those are some valid points but yeah I like the idea of giving the Queen more power, kind of like the president in the US.

    P.S. Mantrid, we have a class system in America and the saying, "Everyone is equal" is pretty much a wishful thought. Maybe we are equal in the eyes of god or another creator but within the human race we create caste and class systems, prestigious occupations vs. crappy occupations, etc.

    So to get rid of the monarch for that reason is irrelevant, you would still have a class system.

    I understand the idea that taking up tax payer money and being old fashioned is valid because kings and queens aren't what they used to be and in modern Europe they aren't the glamourous gods and goddesses of centuries past.

  22. because people look to authoritive figures to blame & eliminate when they feel their own lives are worthless

  23. While there is this type of parliament the royalty are safe in their beds.

    The Prime Minister has the power of "Queens Privelige" - which means that no matter what people want or vote for,  he can do what the h**l he likes.  (or whatever Washington tells him to do)  ......  Iraq, Afganestan, Turkey to join the EU (even though it invaded and is occupying a commonwealth country)

  24. Some think they are the biggest welfare recipients in England and why are they still there after monarchies pretty well disappeared by the end of WW1.

    Others are just jealous and wish they could receive a 3 million dollar a year allowance like Prince Charles for doing what mom tells him.

    Personally, I have no problem either way. If people are happy hanging on to traditions, so be it.


  25. The royal family would never be kicked out onto the street. There are those that complain the royal family don't do anything. Well, I have seen one of their itineraries, and I would hate to be in their shoes. They are kept constantly busy.

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