
Why do some Christians insist on idolizing athletes and collecting autographs?

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I work with a gentleman at my church on the weekends that is a very good man. He truly is a man after God's heart, and that's great to see.

However, he does something that is very troubling. He goes out of his way to collect autographs at major league baseball games and has them displayed all over his office.

This is a form of idolatry, which is against God's word.

"Let no one deceive himself. If anyone among you seems to be wise in this age, let him become a fool that he may become wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, `He catches the wise in their own craftiness;' and again, `The Lord knows the thoughts of the wise, that they are futile.' Therefore let no one glory in men. For all things are yours" (1 Corinthians 3:18-21).

The thoughts of the wise are futile because they are consumed with selfish desires and their thoughts are not on God. Mere people - especially rich and famous movie stars, rock bands, sports figures and such are idolized rather than God.

Yet the apostle Paul tells us: "Let no one glory in men, for all things are yours". All things are ours - but only if we have God's Spirit and if we live by that Spirit and not according to the flesh. (Romans 8:11-17).

As Christians we need to remind ourselves that we are not our own but are purchased by the blood of Christ. We belong to God (I Corinthians 6:19-20)!




  1. I feel the same way but then I realize some people just enjoy things like this and its not a sin he isn't worshipping the players or the cards just collecting them it makes him happy and God makes him happier....he gets pleasure out of this...I thought that he is glorifying the players on the cards at least lets not hope he's not "smile" anyway just be happy that he isn't of the world

  2. They just do not realize its wrong!

  3. Because they both share that same sense of one minded selfishness

  4. quite a thought there...

  5. Tell me, since this is a form of idolatry, in your opinion, how big is his shrine where he bows down before these signatures? Does he burn incense to them daily or weekly? After all, improper amounts of incense tend to upset idols.

    Or maybe, just maybe, it's a HOBBY and you are simply too fanatical to know the difference?  

  6. I agree.

  7. Do you eat shellfish? I sure hope not if THIS bothers you.

  8. Does he worship the sports memorabilia?  If the answer is no then he's not committing idolatry.  And stop judging him lest you be judged!

  9. If you were a true Christian, you'd be talking to your friend about your concern, not telling us.

    You appear to be the one with the problem.

  10. Well, God said David was a man after His own heart, yet David gave in to the temptation of the flesh with Bathsheba, and ordered the murder of her husband.  When David came under conviction by the Holy Spirit as to how he had sinned against God, he repented.  However, there were consequences which resulted from his sin, and these affected his family.  The best thing you can do for your friend is to lead by example, and continue praying for him.  Ultimately, it's his choice to make, but the word of God tells us that the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much, so you keep doing that for your friend.  Trust in the Holy Spirit to bring him under conviction.  God bless you!!!

  11. They might be worth a lot of money one day...

    When Daniel danced naked in the street, he did it out of joy. When did Christianity turn joyless..?

  12. Unless He is worshipping the cards, it is not idolatry, its obsession

  13. It also says to give up everything you have and follow jesus.  Let me know where you live so I can get first crack at all your belongings when you set them out in the street

  14. Relax, loosen up and if you think you see a mote in your brothers eye, look for the beam in yours.

  15. Many people don't understand idolatry.  Unless a person is literally worshiping objects as if they were a god it isn't idolatry.

  16. What should his punishment be?

  17. We all have some type of thorn in the flesh

  18. There is nothing wrong with collecting autographs; it's idolizing the person that is the problem.

  19. Relax first of all, then get the plank out of your eye, before you take the speck out of your brother's eye. Is he worshipping these people? Then its just a hobby or passion of his. Everybody has one of those.

  20. What's so wrong with collecting autographs?  Does the fact I collect racing programs make me a sinner?

    Idolatry would consist of being more concerned with their every move and looking up to them as super-natural. . .  rather than your own faith.

    You can still worship the Lord and pursue a sports hobby.

  21. All Christians are idolatrous. The biggest example is what they did to Jesus. They made that pious and great man a God by manipulating his teachings and Bible. These Satan worshipers have destroyed the Jesus's true religion and teachings. They will get there share of punishment when they return to the God of Jesus. Christianity is irrelevant especially in this time when you have access to all the information.

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