
Why do some European Latinos think they're better than us American Latinos? Now keep in mind, I said some.

by Guest34075  |  earlier

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I have this friend from Spain who's always telling me "you people can't speak properly" "you butcher the mother toungue, bla bla bla."




  1. Well, yes I think so, because Latin Americans with the time cahnge some words of the language, and most people(remember that in Latin America almost 60% of the population are poor, and they don´t have the resources to educate themselves, they never went to school, and they understand by theyselves what they are speaking or writing now. Some other words are product of the different cultures that came to the Colonial Americas between XVI and XVIII century. For example: Banana, cames from Africa, also words like Papaya came from that cultures. The truth is that Spanish (of Spain)mid- social classes and poor Spanish have more culture and education than Latin American mid-social and poor classes(not everybody,but most of them). Chulapanama, let me said that you are not part of that people. You are very smart and polite.

  2. same reasons SOME English people give the US a hard time...

    Just teasing

    or can't get over the fact that when their anscestors landed in a country with a different language, started enforcing their language, then left or otherwise got "seperated" from the "mother country" the people made the language more user-friendly for themselves.  

    color or colour... doesn't really matter, they're just seeing red.

  3. No idea! To me, they are the same but i think European Latinos look more clean than American Latinos.

    But anyway, my bf is American Latinos so...

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