
Why do some McDonalds drive thrus have two speakers side to side? Which speaker do I place my order?

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Why do some McDonalds drive thrus have two speakers side to side? Which speaker do I place my order?




  1. actually i'm a head store manager at a mcdonalds in Indiana and i've never heard of a mcdonalds having two speakers? but i guess some do

  2. They have 2 speakers so they can take more orders quicker. Always try to use the one furthest from you, unless that one is being used, you do this in case someone comes up behind you, then they can take both of your order at the same time. Its called duel or tandem ordering. Sometimes, like in  the morning, both speakers will not be used. Sometimes both speakers will say "order here", but someone will ask you to order at the next speaker, please listen to them. When they are using both speakers, the person taking your money is also taking orders, and so is the manager running the floor, and it can be annoying for the manager to have to take your order when the back drive person is able to do it.

  3. The one closest to you.

  4. yep there's one in new orleans, it's pretty cool

  5. The faster on when there's a line

  6. the one that says:out of order

  7. There are two kinds of DT with two speakers. The first has  two speakers  across from eachother in two different lanes.  The concept is that  when it is busy, then can take orders at both speakers (often they have two order takers). This helps move the cars through faster. If it is not obvious that both are open, then go to the one closest to the restaurant.

    The other kind is where one speaker is just ahead of the other. The McDonalds I work at is like this, and we take orders from the first speaker, however, it may be different with each restaurant.

  8. The new double drive thru....I am getting ready to start working with this next week as I'm temparily transfering to a differant store I'm a mangager at a McDonald's that is being torn down and rebuilt.  You can choose which speaker you want to go to.  You place your order from the drivers side.  It is basically no differant from a customers stand piont other than there are 2 speakers.

  9. This is so they can service more people.  If there is no one in line use the second one (closest to the window).  If there is a line they tend to use both.  If no one answers the one closest to you just pull ahead.

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