I really don't know how non-adoptees knowing their medical history honestly gives you an 'edge' over an adoptee that does not.
My husband is adopted. We don't know anything about his biological history. But really, how could that hurt us?
Would knowing that say, his dad died of a heart attack at 40, and his grandpa died of a heart attack at 42, really "help" us that much to know that?
Or say you'd like to know your breast cancer risk. Most women diagnosed with breast cancer do not have a family history of it. So.... nothing there, either.
Since I am not an adoptee, I could technichally ask my parents for my family's medical history. But I never have. Am I "supposed to"?
Don't we all, adoptee or not, just need to eat healthy, excercise, see our doctors regularly, get treatment for ailments, etc.??
If it's gonna happen, it's gonna happen, whether you know it happened to someone before you or not.