
Why do some amateur boxers who dominate the amateur ranks not transfer into the pros very well?

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As an amatuer boxer myself I know the difference between amateur boxing and pro boxing but it seems like guys like Augie Sanchez for example, should have won world titles and gone on to professional greatness.




  1. amateur boxers concentrate on head shots as body shots don't mean much in amateur boxing as their scoring system only counts clean shots that can be seen easily and body shot are done on the inside and alot don't get seen so they develop that habit and their fights are shorter so they don't have the fitness levels of a pro and when you turn pro you need good body work rate to slow your opponents and tire them in the later rounds and also bring the guard down for the head shots so when you look at it the tactics are different its not the same sport the rules are different and so is the way they score the fight

  2. Because the skillset that makes up a star amateur boxer is not the skillset that makes up a good professional boxer. Amateur boxing and pro boxing might as well have two different names because they are like two different sports. Fighters seemed to be judged on an entirely different criteria in amateur boxing, which is why I think the amateur boxing system needs to be revised.

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