
Why do some atheists put ((hugs)) in their answers?

by  |  earlier

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hey robin, are you Christian yet?




  1. Some Christians may seek war

    many atheists don't seek war

    many atheists wanna share positive vibes with others and it's nice to hug

    not everything needs to be an attack or abuse and it seems that some christians forget this sadly

    it doesn't seem right as you have pre-conceived idea of how a group acts and when people aren't like that it can be very confusing for some

  2. And here's a star for you. ((HUGS))

  3. how would you get all that from ((hugs))?

  4. (((((((((((((((((((((Lion of Judah))))))))))))))))))))))))

  5. I know the idea of a warm and compassionate atheist just really screws with your mind, doesn't it?

  6. Please kill yourself... but have a cookie first *hugs*

  7. Now who doesn't like hugs?  Maybe that's your problem, you don't get hugged enough.

  8. Spread love not hate.

    That is why.

  9. I've never seen it.

    But I wish they'd hug me.

  10. Ahhhh sweetie, do you need a hug?

    "Hugs are not only nice; they’re needed. Hugs can relieve pain and depression, make the healthy healthier, the happy happier and the most secure among us even more so. Hugging feels good, overcomes fear, eases tension, provides stretching exercise if you’re short and stooping exercise if you’re tall. Hugging does not upset the environment, saves heat and requires no special equipment. It makes happy days happier and impossible days possible." - Kathy Tobin

  11. It is a war.

    Do you feel secure yet?

  12. (((Lion)))

    What was the question?

  13. They are obviously trying to upset dedicated Christian warriors by suggesting atheists have compassion and affection that the Christians don't have.  It is an appeal to emotional weakness, to sap your crusading spirit.

    You need to fight back.  I suggest you start putting in coded messages of your own, something like >>atheists<<,  ÃƒÂ‚»Â»infidels««, or ††Christians††.  You don't want to risk losing the war for Christ to the tactics of merely human love.  (That would be SO embarrassing!)  Wait!  That wasn't a hug!  It was just parentheses!

  14. just to be facetious..

  15. If you look anything like your avatar I'd be tempted to give you more than a hug.

    See how much more fun life is when people are free to be rational and reasonable and not depend on some externally imposed arbitrary standard of good & bad?


  16. Because we're an affectionate lot.  Try it sometime.


  17. Here, have a hug (((Lion))).  Feel better?

    Some of us can disagree without turning it into a war, that's all.

  18. Because we're not the demons most people seem to think we are.


  19. christians are always at war with someone or something.  no wonder y'all don't get enough fun/dirty s*x.

  20. Most of the time they are "hugging" those who agree with them or at least the ones who are tolerant of their non theistic choice.   It's fine to tolerate people as a whole but not accept ideals that are in complete disagreement as our own.   True,  ((hugs)) is a warm embrace but when those disagreements fly how many want to really hug.

  21. what the **** are you talking about? why shouldn't an atheist show affection? unbelievable.

  22. No it's not war. People think differently. Just because I'm atheist , and never agree with anything you come up with EVER dosent mean that I'm not a loving, caring person.  So Hugs and drinks all around!

  23. (((Because we love you)))

    And there's a knife in the other hand. . . .

  24. Some people like hugs. :)

    I like hugs, but only from female friends, and a few male, in real life.

    Not from family or strangers or anyone else. :(

  25. Atheist not allowed to give ppl hugs? =[

  26. Umm... I've gotten (((hugs))) from Christians too.

    It's just a way of showing love/appreciation/care for someone. You do know how to do that, don't you?

  27. I certainly hope it's not exclusive to atheists.

    The expression of hugging another speaks much more than anything that can be said in words. To hug people, even whilst arguing with them, displays love, and renders the argument impersonal. Ex: I love you, so I don't wish to war with you. However, I see your opinion as wrong.


    (sorry, I forgot you don't like them) ;)

    ~Loving Light~

  28. same reason christians put "god bless you" ?

    a way to leave off on nice terms even though each side knows they dont mean the other.

  29. I don't know. It annoys me just as much as you. I don't even like hugging in real life.

  30. I see, disagreements have to be spiteful and violent. it has to be "war." Not simply a dispute? Yep, you're a theist alright.

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