
Why do some authors write under their own name and also a pen name?

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Just wondering..

A recent example i've come across was Anne Rice, who wrote under at least 3 names... I believe that was because of the books themes (s&m erotica)




  1. As some have said, they do it for genre purposes, but in Stephen King's case, he worte under a pen name to get past the "one book a year" rule.

  2. It just gives them the freedom to write different genres as different people so as to be able to not disappoint "devotees" who always buy "their" books.

  3. Fanbase loyalty fears.

    For some reason, a majority of general audience of readers prefer their authors to stay within one genre, one type of writing. They get "upset" when their favorite authors stray and do something different--even if it's children's books a couple times when they're mainly a horror author. This is particularly true of popular authors. So some have taken on other names so they might enjoy the thrill of the write and addition to the bank account without disgusting, demoralizing, annoying or otherwise losing some of the fickle fanbase they earned under the usual name.

  4. It gives them a chance to write in a variety of genres, and fans usually expect the same sort of book written by one person.  It's not an unusual practice--Agatha Christie did it, as did Dean Koontz and Victoria Holt.  

  5. Well writing under a different pen name gives you a clean slate, you can be a new person again with a fresh audience. That can be rewarding in many ways, particularly if you want to see what sells, your novel or your name. A new name offers the old struggle of recognition.

    Then again maybe it's for shame or embarrassment. I can imagine there are a lot of people who don't want to admit that this is the stuff they write.

    And as always there's the idea that it can change your image. Female authors have been known to give themselves male pseudonyms in a bid to be treated equally by publishers. Maybe they don't like their name and want something that sounds appealing, something that matches their genre perhaps.

    These are all bog standard though, I'm sure there are many more reasons for not wanting to give a real name.

    I love that about Stephen King dodging the one book a year rule! That's great trivia :)

  6. I guess the whole 'for a chance to write a different genre' thing but on some of Meg Cabot's books it will say Meg Cabot in big letters as the eye-catching name and then underneath inm smaller letters 'writting as Jenny Carroll' or some other pen-name =S

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