
Why do some believe atomic energy is more dangerous, when oil energy kills tons and tons of people a year?

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Wars for oil.




  1. This is a great question. I know that Canada gets a lot of their energy from nuclear power plants. I understand there is a risk for an accident but I think any 'accident' can actually be prevented with proper training and plenty of staff.

  2. Some people are just scared of atomic energy. Even though accidents are few and far between they tend to be pretty nasty when they do occur.

  3. Ever heard of Chernobyl?  When an atomic reactor goes, it is similar to the atomic bomb.  In the case of Chernolbyl there was actually 40 times the fallout of the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki worse.  So I guess that's why some people see atomic energy as dangerous.

  4. The potential for great harm is wide.  Check out what happened in Chernobyl before you get the impression that nuclear energy is so safe.

    People have been fighting wars since the cavemen Og and Moog, then it was over one thing, now its over another.

    In years to come it will be over water.

  5. Well for starters, the by product of nuculear power production is radioactive for something like 10,000 years. (and no I'm not exagerating there) Then there's the whole, pumping of over heated water back into a the water system which kills fish. Oh yeah and when there's a meltdown, well there's a meltdown.  Now some of those problems like the overheated water can be solved by technology, but that radioactive thing well that just keeps giving. And futher comparisons to gas as fuel just don't make sense. As you will not anytime soon be able to run your car off of nuclear. It's sort of like comparing apples to oranges.

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