
Why do some believe that the Cold War did not end in the 1980s?

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Why do some believe that the Cold War did not end in the 1980s?




  1. Because if you look at realtions between the USA and Russia, nothing much has changed other than the leaders meet each other now and shake hands and we don't slag one another to the media any more.

    If you look at Russia and China's allies in the Middle-East, they are not the allies we have in the west.  Look how the US are creating this missle-shield program and intentionally leaving Russia out of it.  It is now rumoured that Russia may send nuclear weapons to Cuba in response to the American snub.  Russia has restarted it's bomber patrols over the Arctic and have even planted a Russian flag on the ocean floor at the North Pole....a symbolic gesture of their intention to claim as much of the natural resources in the Arctic as they can.  China and Russia's economies are booming and they have great leadership, where the US is in a recession with terrible leaders.  Russia has lots of natural resources including fresh water, the US have very few natural resources without invading a country like Iraq.

    The Soviet Union was in tatters and admitted defeat to the US, but instead of helping Russia get back on it's feet we let it suffer and become corrupted and we humilated the once proud nation.  It is no wonder they hold a grudge and have come back into the picture now that the once mighty America has begun to sputter and faulter.

    That is why I believe the Cold War is not over and that the USA will be the loser.

  2. Because Mr Putin seems to be one of them.

  3. because it ended in 1990.

  4. It didn't really end with the Berlin wall coming down, technically it ended in the 1990s and has in a way started up again because of Putin.  Putin is a former KGB man and longs for the days when his country was a communist super power dominating eastern Europe.  One of the things that kept the Cold War from becoming a full scale nuclear war was the fact that many of the Russian leaders during that time had seen the horrors of war and were reluctant to start another one.  Putin has never been to war and was born after WW2 so he has not seen first hand what war is really about so he is not going to be as reluctant.  His country is no longer the super power it was and never will be again but that might not stop him from trying to bring back what he sees as the glory years of the U.S.S.R.

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