
Why do some black people in America do not like being called African American?

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Some blacks get defensive and say things like I'm black not african. I don't get it please explain.




  1. Personally I don't get offended but I do understand the reasoning. I'm not from Africa and as far back as my family can research in the generations before us not a single person was from Africa. My family is extremely mixed up to the point where we don't really know when the black became part of our heritage... that being said how am I "African"?

  2. Because when you call me african american you are implying that i was born in Africa. Why not call white people European american? At the end of the day i'm just American. Not that i'm ashamed of my ancestry but that's just my two cents.

  3. 1. Some of us are not African

    2. Some are proud and like to say black

    3. Some don't refer to that...because they have no clue of their how could you really claim something...and you really have no idea if its true???

    4. I really dont get why were the only country where we claim to be such proud citizens but until we are talking to foreigners...out of one says Oh...yeah...I, white...whatever.  

  4. What if they are Jamaican-American?

  5. Okay, I'm confused... People commenting on your question say that it bothers several black people because Africa is Not where they came from. That might be true for “some” blacks. I can understand the irritation behind this situation. However, I've met a few that don't like to be referred to as African American even though their ancestors came from Africa, which means they have African descent. In this case, what's the offense? Some of the individuals replying to your question are incorrect to some extent, but unfortunately I don’t hold the answer either.

    Anyhow, I was wondering why people are Not troubled by these terms

    Such as...

    CHINESE American

    MEXICAN American

    NATIVE American

    Just to name a few... I think there's an exception for the Native Americans because the other term, Indian, is inaccurate and offensive... at least to me. Nevertheless, why is "AFRICAN American" bothersome?

    What's wrong with having your nationality come before the country you live in?

    I don't mind being called "African American" or "Black American" or just "Black." It makes no difference to me... I think some people are just being a little too choosy, but like I said before, I don't have a true explanation so maybe I don't understand the annoyance behind this.

    The only term that I, or other back people, wouldn’t like to be called is just “African.” I am not African whatsoever. I have African descent and live in the United States, but that does not make me a person from Africa.

  6. Probably the same reason some white people would be offended by the term European American.

  7. Because they weren't born in Africa nor have they ever been there

  8. It only matters where you're from, hun. If you're from're not African.

  9. Umm i'm not ''African-American''I'm Haitian-American or just plain American.Ive was born here ive never left or will.

  10. If they were born in the United States, they don't consider themselves African-American and they aren't.  If they were born in Africa and later became American citizens and keep their African citizenship, then they would be African-Americans.  If you are born in the United States, you are American.  African, or American are nationalities, not races.

  11. Not all blacks are from Africa.  Besides, aren't they just Americans?  It kind of implies a second class standing or something.  Like they aren't as american.  Like they recently came from Africa as opposed to hundreds of years ago.

  12. Blacks can come from other places, not from Africa.  

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