
Why do some boxers keep their hands near their waists?

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is it an unorthodox style or flawed technique




  1. They're tired or they have little respect for their opponents capabilities!

  2. Someone like Floyd Mayweather does it because he has great reflexes and he uses his body and shoulder to protect agianst punches.  He will roll his shoulder up much like you would use your hand to block a punch.  You can still jab with the up jab but also have easier path to body punching.

    It takes someone with great reflexes and great technique to pull it off.

  3. Its to prevent against body or kidney shots.

  4. With most new fighters, it's probably due to fatigue. But for veteran boxers, it's part of their fight strategy. The Great Muhammad Ali kept his hands to his waist most of the time, and he got away with it because of his footwork and speed which kept him from getting hit. The exposed head invited his opponents to throw a head punch which Ali usually countered with a flurry of combos to the body and head. If you watch him throw combos to his opponent's body and chin, his lowered arms actually helps him be able to use his hips and put more weight behind his body punches and hooks, it also shortened the time it took to throw a hook compared to one thrown from shoulder height.

  5. It also depends on distancing the further your opponent is away from you the lower you should have your hands

  6. they cover the breathing spot and lungs!cause if u punch a hook in ur stomich person can stay in the band position for a long time cause its very hard to breath!

  7. it depends on the fighter i guess? because chuck liddell keeps his hands at his waist a lot, but hes just waiting for you to come in so he can counter with a overhand right. but then some fighters ARE just fatigued.  but you should always have your hands up. lol

  8. Probably fatigued and not fighting normally due to being spent. Although, I have seen some of George Foreman's fights and he just takes a pounding with his hands down but the guy won't stop.

  9. To invite a punch so that they can counterpunch.

  10. the other guy who posted is right, but its also an unorthodox style. You can get more power in your punches from your hips too. Kinda like karate guys. And it trip up the other oponent, I wouldnt do it though

    "ASH" is tottally right

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