
Why do some businesses fail while others r so successful?

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Why do some businesses fail while others r so successful?




  1. it all really depends on the consumer's eyes....  what the consumer wants if what they get...

    1. Advertisements:

    maybe some businesses can convince their customers that they NEED their product or convinces them that life would be easier with their product

    2. Quality/price

    If the products quality and price are better than competitors how would they not do better?

    3. Name brands

    a good example  would be clothing... a plain white shirt from hane's might be $5 where as a Nike shirt might be $10

      but through advertisements (again) and Holywood we surround ourselves with what the celebs like

    4. Attitude

       obviously a good attitude can go a long way

      a good hardworking company that keeps it's employees happy will obviously do better than a company full of slackers..

        If your happy and like what you're doing chances are you're going to get more done than if you hate it and drag your feet

    hope i explained what you were looking for =P

  2. it depends in places some times. if their business is not in business hot spot like malls they will fail

  3. I really believe that the key is putting the customer first and providing excellent service, along with making wise decisions regarding spending.

    Try to exceed customer expectations. The businesses that use the best common sense and wisdom will succeed and rest assured that the vast majority that fail make stupid and unwise decisions.

  4. There is many factors why. Some of them is because people dont do research about the product or bussines they want to open. The people that work for you must be well trained in the bussines. Don't use all your maney on buying stuff for yourself. What do i mean by this, some people dont invest back into the bussines they buy expensive cars, clothing, etc. No it dosn't work like this. Take it cool for a few months,  and then if your company is up running good,  then you can deside on buying a little expensive items for yourself. But you must put money back into your company that is very importand. Some people need to go to the bank and ask them for money, then the bank say no. So now they start a bussines but don't have money. So if you go to the bank make sure that you have a good presentation about everything asspecially your research. Good luck.

  5. Too Much Debt to afford to change with the needs of the market and your own learning curve ie trial and error.

  6. SOME TIMES its supply+ demand.AND sometimes it LOCATION .

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