
Why do some call liberals "Socialists" automatically, when a conservative is just as often a socialist?

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This is far too deep for a lot of the kids who keep repeating "Obama is a socialist" on this site, I realize, but try this on for size, thinking conservatives...

"In many ways, the modern Republican Party practices socialism of the worst type that can be found in America. I won’t say the GOP’s agenda is nearly as bad as the National Socialism of Hitler or the International Socialism of Communist tyrants throughout history. But it’s mainly a difference of degree, not of kind. "Republican" is not always synonymous with "conservative." Conservatives were historically the ones who supported the power elite, war, and the status quo – and many of them do so today.


"Other horrendous examples of economic socialism coming from Republicans include Nixon’s wage and price controls and creation of the EPA, Bush I’s signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the enormity known as No Child Left Behind."

And so on.




  1. No conservatives are not just as likely to be socialists as liberals. Liberals are much more likely to be socialists, as they want the vast majority of Americans to be totally dependent on the govt teat. Libs gain their power by giving out handouts to the poor and middle class. Obambi has just promised another bribe to the American people if they elect him, another taxpayer funded giveaway. He is a disgrace!

    It is fair to classify libs as socialists, as they favor govt control of every aspect of their lives, except for a woman killing her baby.

  2. because the policy is conveniently placed in both parties to insure its survival

  3. Industrial and Technical Economics yield conditions that make political leadership generic.  Attempts to assign a unique signature to an event or trend can label and as often as not mislabel phenomena.

    Mainstream America can be far behind the knowledge and learning curve. Many rely on the integrity of political leaders to identify economic and social conditions.  The risk is that many political leaders are inept regarding Industrial and Technical Economics.  The confusion of terms enables erroneous political manipulation.

    Economic Stimulus Payments for $300 per taxpayer while spending significantly more per Iraqi on the War In Iraq is an excellent example of a lack of political and leadership integrity.

    Republicans disparage social programs for low income citizens while extolling virtues of bailing out and providing favorable franchise for special interests.

  4. True conservatives adhere to a philosophy of free markets that is directly contrary to your assertion of us being "socialist".

    Liberals continue to propose economic policies that are either socialist or borderline including growing the size of govt and increasing taxes.

    I dont see how NCLB is socialist? Maybe you dont understand what socialist really means? NCLB created more stringent standards on school achievement and in no way embodied socialist thought.

  5. The Republican party has become liberal, but not socialist. It's too close though.

    The Democratic party has become socialist. Same philosophy -too numerous to point out each thing.

    There will be a new conservative/right party that wants to make America strong again and get us away from the privately owned Federal Reserve and free us again from income taxes.  LESS GOVT MORE MONEY and MORE POWER for we the people.

  6. When they preface something with an insult, or what they percieve as one, they assume others will believe they have an idea or knowledge to back it up. Its usually a false truth but intimidates others to challenge them if they think they sound smart, so usually people who  know better ignore them , and those that dont know what is going on tend to agree, they usually are un or misinformend on policies and do not pay enough attention to understand what they think they are criticizing , because if they did, they would not have the desire to be rude they would know what they are saying has merit and could explain their position , which most often they cannot.  The reason being they do not know what it is or should be, or why not!!!

  7. While I will concede that liberals do support more socialist views as compared to the republican party.  That is in no way a bad thing.  I believe it is the job of everyone, especially government to help society.  The government tax our very existence, it is not wrong to ask that they do certain things to help the society.  If that makes me a socialist, so be it, but what I am not is fascist.  Sadly, the republican party has become more and more fascist; especially after 9-11.  The government, has gained the right to spy, detain and harass its citizens.  Furthermore, under the "Patriot Act", the government can forcibly remove you from your home.  You do not have the right to an attorney, due do process in court, or even innocence until proven guilty.  The government can hold you in a secret prison indefinitely, without so much as letting your family know your where abouts...fascist to me.

    Salem, Shalom, Peace

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