
Why do some christian crosses have a little man on them but others don't - whats that all about then ?

by Guest32830  |  earlier

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thanks to you all for helping me out i understand now




  1. well i don't know if you heard of a fella called jesus died on the CROSS?

  2. That is too bad that when you have a question and you really don't understand something, they delete you.  This happens to me all the time.  I am glad that you understand the difference.  God Bless

  3. Jesus Army crosses are bright red and glow in ultraviolet light (great when taking a team to a disco or during our celebrations).  They symbolise Christ's blood.

  4. Symbolic.  Jesus is alive.  Which means He is no longer on the cross but in our hearts and minds.

  5. Commercialism ? Some man named Jesus that died on a cross. Apparently other ancient gods like Horus and Mithras had 12 discpels and died then ressed after 3 days.

  6. Those with the "little man" are crucifixes.

    Those without represent the Risen Christ.

  7. Only the Roman Catholics and the Orthodox will have the little figure on them.

    Others, the cross is empty for two reasons- any image of God is an idol and the cross is empty now, as is the tomb.  Remember Jesus lives!

  8. It is typically Roman Catholics that have the crosses with Jesus on them. Most "protestants" are offended by this because we celebrate the empty cross since He has risen. Also "protestants" tend to think of the mass as a re-crucifixion of Jesus.

  9. a true christian would not ware one , the second commandment

    explains this ,the one with the man is catholic ,it portrays this man

    dead, it is an idol of false religion and has its roots in paganism

  10. That "little man" is the Crucified Jesus!

    Who else would it be?

    Protestants do not have Jesus on their crosses, why I can't fathom!

    Perhaps it all goes back to heretical error.

  11. Spiritually speaking, I don't know.

  12. Like St. Paul, according to the power and wisdom of God, Catholics prefer to bear witness to Christ crucified, until he comes again:

    1Co 1:19  For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, And the discernment of the discerning will I bring to nought.

    1Co 1:20  Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?

    1Co 1:21  For seeing that in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom knew not God, it was God's good pleasure through the foolishness of the preaching to save them that believe.

    1Co 1:22  Seeing that Jews ask for signs, and Greeks seek after wisdom:

    1Co 1:23  but we preach Christ crucified, unto Jews a stumblingblock, and unto Gentiles foolishness;

    1Co 1:24  but unto them that are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God.

  13. Christ on the cross isn't just for some religions. Christians believe Christ died for them. So they can wear a cross with Jesus on it. Christians believe too in the risen Christ. So, they can wear an empty cross. Who says Lutherans don't wear the cross with Christ on it? I wear both. our church displays both. I would love to see people comment on what they really know and not what they think they might know.

    In our home we have both also.  

  14. Just a matter of artistic differences.. One is a cross. The other is a crucified Jesus on a cross. One shows he is risen, the other shows he is nailed to it.

    Peace and Blessings from Texas <><

  15. there is no such a thing as christian crosses. christians are spiritual not carnal .  

  16. I think both fit.. Jesus hung on the cross (uniting the world and humanity back to God/Life thus rescuing from death). And now He is not on the cross, for he rose..

  17. Catholics have Christ on the cross, other religions don't.

  18. Im not a christian but I have heard that the one with jesus on are crucifixes. These belong in the cathloc church. Christians choose to have an empty cross because Jesus has risen from the dead.

  19. We choose according to our feelings.

    Crosses seem to be more of a fashion accessory these days.

    Crucifixes are more pointed in their statement.

  20. That little man symbolises Jesus. It is present i the catholic cross.Lutheran crosses (without that little man) symbolises the victory over death.

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