
Why do some cities have higher sidewalks?

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Why do some cities have higher sidewalks?




  1. Dude, the sidewalks aren't higher, the streets are lower!

  2. Most older cities originally had boardwalks constructed by the merchants above the level of the unpaved, and often muddy, streets when they began.  The merchants would usually try to match the height of the boardwalks of the stores around them.

    When the cities took over the paving of the streets and the sidewalks they built the sidewalks at the level that the merchants had established for their ground floors for easy entrance to the stores.


  3. The people are taller.  Kidding.

    They made their sidewalks before the US's ADA act was passed.  It is too expensive to re-do them.  And in Europe and all over Asia, its anyones guess.  They are all different.

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