
Why do some classes/races of people fulfil their own stereotypes?

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Why do some classes/races of people fulfil their own stereotypes?




  1. This is why stereotypes are in such a grey area.  Basically, stereotypes are based on statistical facts about groups of people. These groups can be based on race, gender, age etc.  However, just because a person may fit into a particular group, it doesn't mean that they fulfil the characteristics of their stereotype.

  2. Stereotypes are not conjured from nothing, but usually from exaggerated generalisations, used to comedic absurd effect; caricatures  It is when they are used for more sinister 'truths' as unchallenged certainties, they become dangerous.

    We use stereotypes on a daily basis to help us make judgements about situations and experiences, as well as people, but we must do so in a way where we evaluate and challenge our own judgements and not accept them as truth.

  3. stereotypes are genuinely based upon facts and can be backed up by statistics, its unfair for people to predetermine someone just because of a label, but lets not pretend that stereotypes were just magicked out of thin air.

  4. I think when classes/races of people are stereotyped you  just take more notice of their stereotype than other races/classes. I don't think they actually fulfill them. For example, irish people are no more drunks than british are but if you do see a drunk irish person you take more notice of them and link them to their stereotype. If you see a drunk british person you just think 'o there goes a drunk british person'. You know what i mean?

    Thats my view on it anyways

    Hope i helped!

  5. Because they exist for a reason.  If enough people act a certain way then people will generate a stereotype.  Take the Essex girl for example.  There are many brunette intelligent Essex girls, however there are lots of them who wear fake tan, have bleached hair and wear false nails - this perpetuates the stereotype.

  6. Perhaps because they want to be part of a community; by sticking to sterotype they think they're "belonging" somewhere?

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