
Why do some countries drive on the right and others on the left????

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Why do some countries drive on the right and others on the left????




  1. that's how they make the car , some people use to driving to right and some left in some country.

  2. For the same reasons some countries speak French and others speak Spanish.

    Different customs and laws for different countries.

  3. in days of old when knights were bold,, most of the knights were right handed and they carried swords on the left.

  4. The British way of driving on the left side of the road is a carryover from the days when men rode horseback and used swords. In a combat situation, the sword was drawn from the left side and wielded on the right.

    Apparently, when automobiles were invented, the custom of staying on the left persisted.

    France also had quite an empire after the revolutionary wars and the keep right rule spread through much of modern day Europe and to colonies such as Egypt.

    The connection with the USA is thought to be General Lafayette who recommended a keep right rule as part of the help that he gave the Americans in the build up to the war of Independence.

    The first reference to keep right in USA law is in a rule covering the Lancaster to Philadelphia turnpike in 1792.................

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