
Why do some countries not want to be part of the EU? ?

by Guest57432  |  earlier

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why doesn't Bielorus want to be part of the EU?? some one give me some insight on all the "bad things" about the EU? why are many people dissatisfied?




  1. I believe they are fearful, and rightfully so, that they will lose their sovereignty and autonomy - that is, the ability and right to live by their own laws and celebrate their own cultural heritage rather than be homogonized and over ridden by a collective such as the European Union.

    The US, Canada and Mexico are due to unite as the North American Union soon, sharing one currency and destroying their sovereignty as well.

    So much for the greatest country on earth!

  2. Would you like the "American Union"?

    Countries want to be independent. States want to be independent. Counties want to be independent. People want to be free.

    That's why we had so many independence wars in America. The problem is that we forgot.

    Being dependent of a higher government means that our local problems are going to be ignored in favor of ethereal wider issues. The policies are going to be so wide and general and unspecific that not only won't solve our problems, they're going to make them worse and create new ones.

    It's happening as we speak and has been going on for a hundred years at nation level (and state level too).

    What we need is to take down the power from the higher levels to the lower levels. We need more power and more resources in the hands of the governments that can improve our lives. The ones that are closer, close enough to be efficient and focused and where we can see them and take immediate action if they try to abuse their power.

    Again, this is a problem that you see in every socialist system at all levels. The UE (or the UN in many ways) is just a bigger problem. Those countries that want to stay independent don't see the UE as the magical solution to all the problems. It isn't and time will show it. The same way that it showed how bad is to have federal all mighty powerful governments.

  3. why would anyone want to associate themselves with France?...theyd be reason enough.  

  4. Because of the level of corruption of majority of members, that was protected by the chief executive, for so long and is still continuing.

  5. I think many smaller countries feel they have more influence as a small independent country, then they would as a small part of the EU.

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