
Why do some customers speak on a mobile phone when being served at a supermarket checkout?

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the cashier has difficulty communicating with the customer because they are too busy talking to someone else on the phone, i know people have important phone calls to make but surely they could leave the calls till later.




  1. Because more and more people are turning into inconsiderate, self centered jerks.  When that happens to me, I just talk to the customer as though they weren't on the phone.  I don't care if it interrupts their call, I've got a line of people behind them to serve.

  2. they do this everywhere.  in my area there are several businesses that will not serve you if you are on the phone at the counter.  they will ignore you and go on to the person behind you, one place (a restaurant) will actually yell at you and throw you out if you come to the counter on the phone.  i wish the place i work would institute that policy.

    people who talk on their cell phones while conducting a transaction at any business are rude, uncouth jackasses.

  3. ....because they're ignorant.

  4. they feel that their phone calls are more important and they really don't want to make conversation with the cashier, so they just carry on with their conversations.

  5. why should you have to talk to the cashier? they just ring up your stuff tell you how much you need to pay, and you give them the money, and they give you change, theres no reason why you have to talk to the cashier

  6. I always wonder why the cashier is talking with the other cashier next to them and not even saying hello to the person they are waiting on everyone is rude rude rude!

  7. It's happened to me a few times when some idiot chooses that exact moment to call.

  8. Because cell phones have made people become very rude and they all seem to have lost their common sense.  What is so darn important now that wasn't quite so important before cell phones became available???  There is a time and a place to chat on the phone and most calls are NOT all so important they could not wait for 15 mins while you get out of the store (movie, commuter train/bus, etc.).  I get cab drivers who are so busy talking on the phone (and I can't help but hear that they aren't talking about anything important) they can't here me when I tell them where I need to get to.  Cell phones have wiped out a lot of people's ability to think.

  9. i noticed that at my Bank there is a sign to finish cell phones before your turn,,,good idea for lots of placed

  10. Try this:  Pretend to overcharge them to see if they notice.

  11. I totally agree with you. I am a head clerk at a leading grocery chain, and that is so annoying, however we can not say anything to our customers about it, because we are here to serve the customer's needs. I do feel however it is very rude because we have to ask the customer certain things throughout the transaction and let them know which buttons to push on the credit card terminal, etc. and they often are not paying attention and make a mistake when paying, or forget to buy items they need such as cigarettes, stamps, or ice.  


  13. I have mixed opinions about this. Sure, it is probably annoying to have that happen when they are slowing down your job but it's not like they're doing it to personally miff you, they got a call so they feel they must answer it. If they don't answer they are not being rude to you, but they are being rude to the caller. And if you retaliate by doing or saying something rude to them are you not then just as rude and ignorant? If a friend chose to talk on the phone while I was visiting or hanging out with them I would be upset. A total stranger who's business and phone calls are none of my concern? I couldn't care less.

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