
Why do some dads leave? and do they care?

by  |  earlier

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this is going to probably get some nasty comments but i was just wondering why dads really do leave and the ones that dont see there kids do they really care? my daughter is three tomorrow and she has never seen her dad iv never stopped him and i promise im not a witch its actually quite upsetting to me that she has not got one. i know ultimately that he is not the right type of person to be round my daughter has he does drink far too much but i would of liked to of been able to give him a chance. I have always and probably always will wonder if he ever thinks about her




  1. Never have a baby with a man until you are married with him.

    If he hasn't committed himself to you how will he commit himself to your baby?

    Also never have a baby with a man before discussing it with him.

    Just because your ready to have a child it doesn't mean the man is.

    It's a big responsibility for him, he has to provide financial stability. And be able to give discipline and be a good role model.

    Some guys aren't mature enough or ready to take on such a responsibility.

    Especially a guy who still plays around with women.

  2. Dad's aren't like Mom's, you know ? i'm sure they do care, they just don't know how to show it.  

  3. You just don't know sometimes, and you wonder what the Dad thinks.  I used to be the same way.  My ex left me and my 4 year old son years ago.  He did some really mean things to me like cut off my utilities, cut off my phone, took my car as it was in his name, etc.  He used to call me a "*****" in front of my son, etc.  I divorced him as I caught him with another woman.  He ended up marrying her, had a boy and left her when the child was 4 also!  When my son was like 7 years old, I got a letter from an attorney and he had given up all rights to him.  He said he wanted to start his "new" family.  I know it hurt my son very deeply.  He has problems now (I won't get into that).   Some people are just like that...they think only of themselves and their happiness.  All you can do is try and raise your daughter right.  Don't say anything mean about your ex.

  4. I would just like to say that it is not always the blokes fault!! My partner's ex wife left him for his best friend and ever since he has given her money on a monthly basis which leaves him with very little for himself and she make his life h**l. She always has an excuse when he wants to see them or she will say yes he will travel to see them which is about 150miles from where we live and then when he gets there she only lets him have them for a hour or two. She also has the kids call him by his first name now instead of dad and it really breaks his heart, so some times it can be the mum's fault so you can't judge every dad by what some do!!

  5. he probably care but couldn't be bothered because of everyday living.  Make the first move by sending him a xmas birthday or father's day card.  if he gets in touch, make sure he is not drunk when he is with your daughter.  if he doesn't his loss raise a confident intelligent are doing fine so far

  6. Who knows, I've heard of this situation before, it's

    better to go on with one's life..............

    I think if they did care about the child, they would make

    contact somehow.

  7. I believe he thinks and talks about his daughter and maybe he doesn't know how to love or care but i 100% believe he will want to know her one day probably when shes at secondary school but in the mean time she wont be missing a father figure until she starts seeing friends with theirs.  So raise a confident little girl and she will be happy with or without a father.....x

  8. your ex is a drunken lazy good for nothing piece of c**p and cares only for himself he would be a disaster as a dad and influence your child to the wrong things in life, but saying that he knows nothing about life does he just a waste of life.

    but to answer your question no most dads that leave their children are worth every bit of love from their children if two people just cant get on this makes for a very unstable back ground for children to grow up in some men who I know worship their children and are truly heart broken    

  9. my dad never bothered to see me as he was a big drinker but when she grows up she will realise that he wasnt bothered and will respect you more x

  10. well firstly in all cases like this there 3 side to the story his your and the truth ,,,,and if it ant been around how can u possibly know hes a drinker from second hand information from friends maybe thats just rediclious ..

    ermm  ya know maybe when ur child was young he was not ready to be a father were u both young now after 3 years he sounds like a total tooll but do xoncider this what if he wants to see the child but after 3 yrs hes too embarrassed to approach u people change no matter what others say and every1 deserves a second change and at 3 the child is still young enough not to ever rememeber the time her father was around y not approach him and ask him  

  11. I think for men its easiar sometimes to disconnect themselves from their child because they didn't have to carry them for nine months, and the connection is never formed. Especially if the man isn't in love with the babies mother. Most men who love the woman love the child that they created together. Men who can just see their child, and take the mother out of the equation seem to be few and far between

  12. I know when my mum and dad split we left and that He did care. I know he cared because he always wanted to see me. Which actually does make me smile. Although I was scared of him. So some do and some don't. Hopefully he will one day.

    Also young teen parents usually walk off.

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