
Why do some devoutly religious people pass judgement and opinions?

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I am doing a research project and i would like to here other aspects on this subject. So any little bit of information would be so helpfull !

Thank you !




  1. Because those devoutly religious ppl know very well that by being devoutly religious they miss out stuff that normal ppl who are not devoutly religious dont miss out. And since most of them in their subconscious are not sure that them being devoutly religious will pay off in the other world (be it heaven or something else), they keep passing judgments on normal people. And in their subconscious most of them constantly battle the fact that there may not even be another life. I find subconscious of a human being, atheistic. Passing judgments is kind of a mental masturbation for religious ppl.

  2. It is a mix of reasons.  I will have to speak basically from the Christian point of view since that is my experience:

    Some feel empowered by the Spirit and so well instructed by having got to that point that they get pumped up with self-piety.  Being quite human despite their sense of beatification, they fail to recognize their own continuing humanity in their new-found (or established) 'state of grace'.  But being 'empowered' and 'well instructed' by the goodness of Scripture and Gospel and quite human, they cannot seem then to resist shining the light on the obvious (or perceived, 'in their opinion') weaknesses in others as viewed against what they understand (or think they understand) about the religious standard.  They take Christ's personal responsibiity into their own hands in doing so - quite dangerously and harmfully - many who would find faith have been thus discouraged.

    Some others, I hope a minority, are simply hypocritical in their view of others - they overlook the 'plank' in their own eye, to borrow from the Gospel, while complaining of the 'speck' in the other fellow's eye.  That is - their own sins are OK because they feel 'sa-ved' and are marked as His own, but they can't tolerate the apparent wretchedness of the next guy - again, a human shortcoming.

    Both of these and other overtly judgmental or do-gooding opinion foisting are actually quite against the sum of Scriptural and Gospel teachings.  There are responsibilities to keep one's brother or sister in the faith - but that stops short of gossip, opinionated forcefulness and judgment - 'lest ye be judged in like fashion', so to speak.

    So sad - it is overlooked that the Savior takes us in just as dirty as we are - and He alone can change the heart - and He alone judges.  Our job is to help people reach that place where they may hear Him IF we are given that privilege by such people wanting it - but it's then personal between the person and the One who can save or judge as He will, not us.

    In short -

    It is a human failing.  Some just get pumped up and feel especially empowered in a way that a loving God never provided for them.  

    It seems like many, many do - and perhaps so, but in my experience as I've matured I've noticed it is actually fewer of them than I thought when younger - they just make themselves all to present and obvious too frequently, so it seems like a majority who overtly 'practice' religion this way.

    I hope this is useful to you.

  3. they aren't looking at the log in their own's makes them feel better to recognize everyone else's problems than to deal with their own.

  4. their attitudes and their religion teaching.

    check into the different Church History. (front he start thro the years))You will learn alot.

    There is a Arthur that has written a book called  A New Earth Awakening to you life's purpose by Eckhart Tolle

    I just bought the other week just to read. I love Churches history as well as other things.

    Over the years I have seen how many ppl have been Brian washed into many things.

    Hope this helps.

    Love jay's answer

  5. Because different religions endorse different behaviors.

  6. Whenever anyone is extremely passionate about something as these folks are, it becomes easy to be biased and want to pass judgement.  

    It is human nature. another example is our children.  In our eyes our children are the greatest.  No one elses can compare.

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