
Why do some do such terrible works with iran ?

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friends mine iran is a peace looking country and some are her enemy just for their own benefits not for peace at all!!!

why do they only say negative and horrible things which arent true . and why some believe them???

let me know .. how can america and secularity be such effective. really iran is an innocent country among these big lies.really really really innocent




  1. Is this a trick question?

  2. israel has big friends in nyc. the vast majority of us citizens oppose israeli propaganda as much as most persians dislike some of their headstrong rulers. us "news" conglomerates are running this proganda war. nuff said.

  3. Many people listen to your President. We hear him deny history. We hear him threaten to annihilate Israel and every man woman and child living there. We hear him call for the death of all Americans, even innocent children. We watch him defy the United Nations and continue the quest to develop nuclear weapons to use against the non Islamic people of the world.

    We do not believe lies, we believe what the leaders of Iran have said with their own tongues.

    Many of us know that the peaceful ordinary people of Iran will be the ones to suffer most for the actions of your leaders. We are sorry for that. But the fault is not ours. The fault is with your own leaders.

    Peace be with you.

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